INBOUND 2022, Pop Quiz, Preparing, Surviving, and Memory Lane

Y'all, it's almost here – HubSpot's INBOUND 2022 event, which is dedicated to showcasing incredible thought leadership across marketing, sales, customer success, and revenue operations. And I cannot even begin to tell you how stoked we are. Although to be selfish here for a moment, I'll admit there's one thing about INBOUND 2022 that makes me happy and sad at the same time:
Y'all, it's almost here – HubSpot's INBOUND 2022 event, which is dedicated to showcasing incredible thought leadership across marketing, sales, customer success, and revenue operations. And I cannot even begin to tell you how stoked we are. Although to be selfish here for a moment, I'll admit there's one thing about INBOUND 2022 that makes me happy and sad at the same time:

Once again, I'm speaking this year at INBOUND, and my session on pillar pages and content cluster strategies is already full! Again, it's exciting! And also sad! Is that strange? Anyway, I digress ... 

Given that Max, Devyn, and I are your humble HubHeroes, you just had to know that with HubSpot INBOUND 2022 right around the corner (September 7-9 in Boston and online!), we were going to be dedicating an episode to it. Especially given that it was 10 years ago that I attended my very first HubSpot INBOUND, and that's when everything changed in my life.
It's crazy how time flies. 

It's also crazy about how much actionable HubSpot INBOUND 2022 goodness we were able to pack into this episode – whether you're attending in person, attending digitally, or thinking about whether or not HubSpot's annual event may be in your future someday, you should tune in and take notes.

We talk about our favorite memories and speakers from years' past, we break down our secrets to making your HubSpot week absolute magic for you (as a human) and the goals you're trying to reach, and where you'll likely see us when the three of us during all of the endless festivities. 

  • How HubSpot INBOUND is about way more than just marketing. Seriously, if you think this is just an event for marketers by marketers, you are sorely mistaken.
  • Pro-tips for first-time INBOUND attendees, from footwear to Boston public transportation secrets, we get very specific on to how to get the most out of what is an amazing event ... but it can also be very overwhelming if it's your first time.
  • With Barack Obama speaking this year (crazy, right?!), we play a few pop quiz rounds on the speaking fees of some of the event's biggest headliners in recent years.
  • The INBOUND 2022 speakers we're most excited to see and why. 
  • All the deets on the INBOUND 2022 meetups and get-togethers you need to know about – including a couple we're running ourselves! 
  • Also, is it possible to get compensated as a speaker at INBOUND in Dunkin' Donuts gift cards? Because, apparently, that's all you need to get Max to show up on your main stage – take note, event planners!
Just typing all of that up got me hyped for INBOUND and for this episode.

Some of these we talked about, others we're adding because they're only going to make the episode that much sweeter for you ... 
HubSpot INBOUND is an annual event that is so much more than many people think it is – even the folks who've attended in the past can sometimes forget how much it is evolving, and how expansive the wealth of knowledge is that HubSpot is sharing. So, your one thing if you're attending (online or in-person) is take the time to really research what's available to you through this year's programming and make a plan. 

Creators and Guests

Devyn Bellamy
Devyn Bellamy
Devyn Bellamy works at HubSpot. He works in the partner enablement department. He helps HubSpot partners and HubSpot solutions partners grow better with HubSpot. Before that Devyn was in the partner program himself, and he's done Hubspot onboardings, Inbound strategy, and built out who knows how many HubSpot, CMS websites. A fun fact about Devyn Bellamy is that he used to teach Kung Fu.
George B. Thomas
George B. Thomas
George B. Thomas is the HubSpot Helper and owner at George B. Thomas, LLC and has been doing inbound and HubSpot since 2012. He's been training, doing onboarding, and implementing HubSpot, for over 10 years. George's office, mic, and on any given day, his clothing is orange. George is also a certified HubSpot trainer, Onboarding specialist, and student of business strategies. To say that George loves HubSpot and the people that use HubSpot is probably a massive understatement. A fun fact about George B. Thomas is that he loves peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.
Max Cohen
Max Cohen
Max Cohen is currently a Senior Solutions Engineer at HubSpot. Max has been working at HubSpot for around six and a half-ish years. While working at HubSpot Max has done customer onboarding, learning, and development as a product trainer, and now he's on the HubSpot sales team. Max loves having awesome conversations with customers and reps about HubSpot and all its possibilities to enable company growth. Max also creates a lot of content around inbound, marketing, sales, HubSpot, and other nerdy topics on TikTok. A fun fact about Max Cohen is that outside of HubSpot and inbound and beyond being a dad of two wonderful daughters he has played and coached competitive paintball since he was 15 years old.
INBOUND 2022, Pop Quiz, Preparing, Surviving, and Memory Lane
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