The Most Baller HubSpot Service Hub Deep-Dive of All-Time With Adriti Gulati

[00:00:00] Liz Murphy: Welcome back to another episode of The Hub Heroes. As always, I am your hub, hero Wrangler Liz Murphy and resident content strategist. joined as always by Mark, Devin and George. We do
have a
[00:00:11] Devyn Bellamy: Wait, wait, hold on. Sorry.
[00:00:13] George B. Thomas: Who? Who the hell is Mark? Who's Mark?
[00:00:16] Liz Murphy: I said Max,
[00:00:17] Devyn Bellamy: said
[00:00:18] George B. Thomas: you didn't.
[00:00:20] Liz Murphy: Marky Mark in the funky
[00:00:22] George B. Thomas: Oh. I'll be that guy. I want that body. Just bring it over here right now.
[00:00:26] Liz Murphy: Who did I, wait, wait, wait, wait. Let me ask you this. Who did I subconsciously vote off the island? Was it Max?
[00:00:31] George B. Thomas: yeah,
[00:00:31] Max Cohen: replaced with me with Mark.
[00:00:33] George B. Thomas: Max.
[00:00:34] Liz Murphy: Oh my God, that's so funny because Max, you were on my good list last
[00:00:39] Max Cohen: Mm. Weird.
[00:00:41] Liz Murphy: do something last week while I was gone? Is there something I'm not aware of that happened in my
[00:00:47] Max Cohen: Probably. But I've already forgotten about last week cuz I'm living in the now as
[00:00:51] Devyn Bellamy: Yeah.
[00:00:52] George B. Thomas: There you
[00:00:53] Max Cohen: I identify as Mark now.
[00:00:54] George B. Thomas: life. Mark. Mark Marks always live in the day,
[00:00:59] Liz Murphy: So wait, lemme get this straight. Hold on. So nothing happened this week that I should be concerned about George or Devin? Is there a broken lamp somewhere?
[00:01:06] Devyn Bellamy: Uh, you, we'll just have to wait and find out. Really. I like to think if something's broken, it's only truly broken if it derails everything else, so,
[00:01:14] George B. Thomas: if it gets
found, if somebody finds it, then it's broke. If not, it
[00:01:18] Liz Murphy: You know what I, you are just instilling so much confidence in me that nothing happened when I wasn't here last week. So that's great. I'm excited. We're just gonna move on because ignorance is bliss. And Mark, I look forward to what you bring to the proceedings today.
[00:01:32] George B. Thomas: Oh God.
[00:01:33] Liz Murphy: Apparently. Apparently we have two guests today.
We have Mark, but we also have a Jeanie.
[00:01:37] Adriti Gulati: Yay.
[00:01:38] Max Cohen: Yes.
[00:01:38] Devyn Bellamy: Woo.
[00:01:39] George B. Thomas: go. That's what I'm talking about.
[00:01:42] Liz Murphy: Yes. Another female. Hi. Thank God you're here. Hello. Tell us about yourself.
[00:01:46] Adriti Gulati: Well, one, I'm great. Um, I have been at HubSpot for seven years now. I'm on the Hubot Academy team. I focus on all things customer service. I love it. We have a lot of fun. Not as much fun as you guys seem to be having, but I'm gonna take some of this culture but yeah, I'm so happy to be here.
[00:02:03] Liz Murphy: Woohoo. I am actually also so closeted. I am a super big customer service nerd cuz I was telling George this earlier this week when we were talking about this, so actually got my start working on customer service teams. I've done the call center, I've been the supervisor you asked for. I've done it all.
I've seen it all. It was a lot, and that is why I'm so excited, one that you're here, and number two, we are doing a deep dive into the HubSpot Service Hub. And if you've been listening to this podcast since the beginning, you are not hallucinating. This is the third episode we have dedicated to the service hub or customer service.
We talked to Eric Brenner about why HubSpot Service Hub is so important, particularly for those of you on the fence about investing in the hub. We've also had Christina Garrett on the amazing iconic Christina Garrett to talk about customer delight and who's responsible for it and why it's so freaking important.
But we are back. We are back again today with another delight and service filled episode because there is, I know. George, do you wanna take a
[00:03:11] Max Cohen: It's the, it's the best hub. Let's be honest.
[00:03:14] Liz Murphy: Mark, I didn't ask you, mark. I asked
[00:03:16] George B. Thomas: Mark, mark, mark.
[00:03:19] Devyn Bellamy: Settle down, mark.
[00:03:20] George B. Thomas: Settle down. Mark.
[00:03:21] Max Cohen: Don't,
[00:03:21] Liz Murphy: kidding. I love you,
[00:03:22] George B. Thomas: We
[00:03:22] Max Cohen: mark at a corner.
[00:03:24] George B. Thomas: now. So. So, so here's the thing. I love fresh perspectives. I also love experts in their field. and I have watched a treaty do HubSpot Academy service videos for years now, and I knew there would be a day where like, we're gonna get her on the podcast, we're gonna jam out.
And so, uh, and, and the value. That the listeners are gonna get and be able to actually implement, uh, from a, a deep dive of like the tools and the mindsets, and it's just gonna be so good.
[00:03:57] Liz Murphy: I know, and that's, see personally for me, what I'm really excited about is, is that service is like the key difference in your business, right? Like how you treat and serve the humans that you say you were born to serve is going to be everything. Like it was already true before the pandemic, but it's even more so true now that customers are willing to abandon you in a heartbeat.
If they feel like you are not there supporting them, if you are not keeping your promises or if for some reason a promise has gotten broken, you're not there to make it. Right?
[00:04:32] George B. Thomas: It's all about the humans.
[00:04:34] Liz Murphy: oh, there we go. So remember George, we talked about this in previous episodes, the ones that you do in the first 10 minutes, don't count cuz
[00:04:40] George B. Thomas: Oh, dang.
[00:04:42] Liz Murphy: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Thank goodness we have a treaty here to restore order. So let's, let's dig in. I wanna start with one of my favorite questions about this, because we've touched on this before, but I wanna dig deep. Is HubSpot Service Service Hub only for service teams.
[00:04:59] Adriti Gulati: so I feel like you might want me to say no, but I'm gonna say that you're probably gonna buy Service Hub for your service hub. And that incorporates a lot though, right? Like service incorporates customer support. So those reactive, like customer tickets, implementation, customer success. So one, like that's, that's a lot of folks.
So it's definitely for all those people. And then if you look at the tools within service head, like feedback, that is useful for sales and marketing initiatives as well. But I think when it comes down to it, When your service team uses Service Hub, your sales and marketing team are going to see the benefits.
So for instance, I know a really common use case is for marketing folks to find like who the best customers are. Who am I gonna write case studies about? Having all that information in the same hub that's so easy for them. And then for sales, like the list just goes on and on, right? For the sales to customer success handoff.
Incorporating deals with tickets, like an automation for when a deal closes, opens, and all the notes are already there. Um, even upsell opportunities, like making sure that everything is like a tick of a button and then a notification goes to the sales rep. At the heart of it, I think Service Hub is for service folks.
But the benefits when you are truly deep in Service Hub are going to, you're gonna see them for your marketing, your entire go-to-market. Folks,
[00:06:32] George B. Thomas: Yeah, so it's, it's fun. I love by the way, that answer because the way, and by the, I love that you're like, I feel like you want me to
say and, but No. Yeah. You, you can say
[00:06:43] Liz Murphy: I don't ask leading questions. That's rude.
[00:06:46] George B. Thomas: all. But, but, but here's the thing. I love your answer because. If you think about this, right? And, and Liz, it's probably cuz I'm just on a, a Dominic Torero kick right now.
I mean the new Fast X movie, come on, let's go. But marketing and sales hubs. Marketing and sales hubs are the engine. But I really do feel like you're talking about EDRi that, The service hub is the NAS that you're actually putting into your engine that can make it go so much faster, so much better as a team.
Um, because now you're just firing on all cylinders, racing down as like the trifecta, sales, marketing, and service, crushing it with all the tools that anybody can start to use when they need to use
[00:07:29] Devyn Bellamy: Right, bringing everybody in cuz it's all about family.
[00:07:32] Max Cohen: Family,
[00:07:33] George B. Thomas: Yes, it's
[00:07:34] Max Cohen: family.
[00:07:36] Liz Murphy: Did that hurt? Devin?
[00:07:37] Devyn Bellamy: have no idea. I need to take a shower after this.
[00:07:41] Liz Murphy: Your misery sustains me, which is why I'm gonna ask you this next question. Actually, you know what? I'm gonna throw it out to the whole group. Throw it out to the whole group. So if we're talking about service and we're really focusing on this team, is the nexus, this, this inflection point around this hub.
What are the mindsets that you think Service Pros need to have or adopt before they even think about touching the software? Because we've talked about this with HubSpot before, right? Guys? Like HubSpot is only as effective as the mindsets and the strategic, strategic that you've put
[00:08:09] Devyn Bellamy: not
[00:08:09] Liz Murphy: That's right. Strategic. Strategic. It's not a hyphenate. Oh my God.
[00:08:13] George B. Thomas: not the card's. The driver coach Evan. Yes.
[00:08:16] Liz Murphy: But he's saying it like a swear,
[00:08:18] Devyn Bellamy: because it is,
[00:08:20] Liz Murphy: Devin,
[00:08:21] Devyn Bellamy: they went to space. I'm sorry, go
ahead. Go ahead.
[00:08:24] George B. Thomas: No, you you, you opened it. Yeah, you opened it up to everybody. So let some other folks
[00:08:28] Liz Murphy: mark. Go ahead,
[00:08:29] George B. Thomas: my gosh. It's all alright. Hang on, hang on, hang on. Hang, hang on. Flag. Hang on. Flag in the ground from this point on a minute. I guess, well, 10 minutes and 31 seconds pre edited. From this day forward, mark will be known as Max.
[00:08:49] Liz Murphy: Why do you have to pee in? My fun cereal, max. Go ahead.
[00:08:52] Max Cohen: So there's three, three sort of like mindsets that I'm thinking about here. Um, one, and I already forgot one of them. Um, so, so one, uh, think about how it's actually gonna connect back to your marketing, right? And, and a lot of that is thinking about how are, we're using, you know, things like, uh, surveys and stuff to, to find people that are like literally saying that they would gladly be promoters for you, right? It's like one thing about how you're gonna like, Tie the, tie, the flywheel together, like with this sort of service motion and service up, right?
Two, think about the heat shield, right? So when I say heat shield, I'm thinking about things like your knowledge base, right? What are the questions that your service teams and like folks like that are getting constantly every single day that someone could just easily self solve on? So you could really kind of focus on, on letting those, uh, service folks handle the harder problems, right?
So like, what are you doing to make their lives a little bit easier? Um, And then the third one, I forgot, so we'll come back when I remember it a little bit later. But there's like one other sort of like big thing that I tend to kind of think about. Um, yeah, no, edit this out cuz I screwed that piece up.
But yeah, there's there's
[00:10:00] Liz Murphy: circle back. We'll circle back.
[00:10:02] George B. Thomas: Hey, uh, Noah. Leave Mark's
[00:10:04] Devyn Bellamy: Yeah, leave it all
[00:10:06] Liz Murphy: I am sorry. I thought his name was Max. I thought here to Four Heads Forth and all those things. He was
[00:10:12] George B. Thomas: well, max did a great job, but Mark jacked it
[00:10:15] Max Cohen: Yeah, mark that. That was on Mark. To be honest
[00:10:17] George B. Thomas: he, he bumped
[00:10:17] Liz Murphy: Mark fumbled the bag.
[00:10:18] Max Cohen: forgot my name and so I also forgot the third thing I was gonna say.
[00:10:22] Liz Murphy: Thank goodness. I'm back, aren't we? Isn't that right guys? Yeah, go ahead,
[00:10:25] George B. Thomas: yeah. Absolutely. Absolutely. So, so here's the thing, and I definitely want to hear what Aridi and and Devin have to say on this, but for me, especially where we're headed, because I. Feel like, uh, in a world that is so saturated with artificial intelligence, ai, this generative that, you know, the, the easy way to get like baba ba it, it, we're coming to an inflection point where it is all about being human, human businesses doing hu like human things.
And so the, if I think about the mindset of a service team, success team, somebody's going to go. Into, uh, this tool. The most human thing you can do is have a dang conversation. And to have a conversation, you have to be able to hear both voices. And so I would beg anybody that's using HubSpot and turns on the service hub that one of the initial mindsets that you have is, how can I have a voice of customer mindset?
How can I be doing everything to have a conversation? Not one way with my. You know my megaphone as the marketing side, but the ear, the ear to the ground as the service side with feedback and everything else that you can do. Cuz by the way, uh, ear to the ground also means that you're paying attention to how many people are coming to what knowledge articles, meaning they're having, what problems with the actual thing that you're doing anyway. Listen to your customers. Be human. Anyway, that's my thoughts.
[00:11:56] Adriti Gulati: Yeah. And sometimes I will say listening to your customers is hard because they are all over the place. They are like, they're gonna fill out a survey and then they're gonna chat in, and then they're going to call in and do X, Y, and Z. And they have the same question on all platforms. And I think. If one of your big issues is the streamlining communication, that's where Service Hub especially can, um, can help you solve those issues.
[00:12:20] Devyn Bellamy: For me, and I know it's been a few episodes since I've said this. Um, but don't try to make service hubs. Supplement your existing process. Evaluate your existing process as holistically as part of the customer journey, and, and look at how your customer, uh, your customer service, experience, success, whatever you want to call your team, how that fits into your overall flywheel in reducing friction, and if there are friction points in your existing process. Getting service up isn't going to mitigate that. Uh, if anything, it's just going to give you a greater capacity to exacerbate it. So what you should be doing is, is looking at your process and how you can make sure that not only is your customer journey solid and smooth and as frictionless as possible, um, but also that your customer team is not an afterthought.
Stop putting them in in corner back. Basement offices or, or just somewhere. Yeah. With Mark or, or, or having them share a room with accounting where there's six people in no air conditioning because, you know, Pam from accounting doesn't wear deodorant, so, so stop that. Stop that right
[00:13:34] Liz Murphy: This doesn't feel colored by actual experience at
[00:13:37] Devyn Bellamy: Oh my
[00:13:38] George B. Thomas: And first of all, so, so can we just take a moment to just be like, ding, ding, ding. That might be the 27th Scrabble word that Devin has used on the podcast Exasperate. What? What would, what, how, how many letters is that? How many points do I get for whatever word that was? You said?
[00:13:53] Max Cohen: Deodorant,
[00:13:54] Devyn Bellamy: yeah.
[00:13:55] George B. Thomas: not deodorant.
Devin. What was the word?
[00:13:58] Devyn Bellamy: Uh, exacerbate. I I do
[00:14:00] George B. Thomas: Yeah. Holy.
[00:14:01] Devyn Bellamy: on the, on
[00:14:02] George B. Thomas: I feel like it's 54 points. It's 54 point. Anyway, Liz, sorry. Sorry, what? Let's get back
[00:14:07] Max Cohen: I remember my third one finally, and it's the, it's the one I harp on a
[00:14:11] Liz Murphy: did it.
[00:14:11] Max Cohen: remember I harp on a lot is, and I don't know if it's so much of like a mindset versus just like a mindset you don't want to be in. is that. It, IT Service Hub is not just for like your run of the Mills support team at a software company, right?
Any business or organization or school or nonprofit or like whatever you want to think of has people that do things for their customers, their members, their, whoever it is that they serve, right? And you gotta think about how can service hub. Assist your team with whatever that, you know, service or happiness creating or successfulness inducing action is right.
Uh, and wrapping around that or reimagine it as Devin would say. Yeah.
[00:14:55] Liz Murphy: Okay. You can be max again until you screw up next time. So I wanna start digging into different parts of the hub. I have four different areas I wanna dig into. Tickets, feedback surveys, knowledge base, and customer portal. We're gonna start with tickets. So throwing it out to the group, what do you think most people get wrong?
Or not understand about what tickets are or how they actually work.
[00:15:17] Max Cohen: It's
[00:15:18] George B. Thomas: Oh, let's go ladies first. Aridi Aridi. What? What's your answer to that? I wanna know.
[00:15:23] Adriti Gulati: Kind of what Mark or Max or whoever were calling him was saying it. It's that tickets like, it's not like Service Up isn't just for SaaS companies. It's not just if you have like a traditional customer support team, but you can use tickets for so many different types of things. Now the ones are, yeah, like open tickets, customer has a problem and it's closed, but you can use it for implementation.
I saw a really cool use case for like customer health pipelines. So there are so many other ways, and I really also what Devon was saying, like encourage you before you even. Start on service hub, like understand your customer journey, understand your pain points, and then like kind of mix and match and see how you can a round thing in a square hole or something.
Could someone help me out there? What was that
round peg, square hole, because it is very customizable, so it doesn't necessarily just fit like one mold.
[00:16:21] Max Cohen: Yeah, you can always think of a ticket as just like a way for you to keep track of how you deliver on some kind of service, whether it's a literal service and you're using it to like project manage or the service of solving a problem for someone, which is more the traditional ticket route. I've seen, uh, I've seen customers use it to like manage their lost and found at like a softball camp, right?
Like when they, someone lost a glove, they created a ticket for it. Like people can use it in all these different ways. It's just a way to make sure, like you can collaborate on problems you're solving or services you're delivering or something in, in that spectrum, right? You have a place to kind of work on it with other people and it doesn't fall through the cracks and you could automate and report around it, right?
So you can do a lot with that.
[00:17:03] Devyn Bellamy: Yeah, you can get creative with tickets once you. step away from that. Like we were saying, that SAS customer service mindset and you treat it as an object within your crm, then you can do all kinds of nutty things with it. Like I've, I know of a trucking company that uses tickets to dispatch trucks and, um, they, they were, I think they were an impact award winner, uh, an agency that helped come up with this novel solution where they're using tickets to, To basically send out information to their external dispatching service, and it's, it was a novel idea, just really out of the box.
I loved it.
[00:17:42] George B. Thomas: So I'm gonna, uh, vote. Oh. I, I,
[00:17:45] Liz Murphy: go ahead, George.
[00:17:45] George B. Thomas: I'm gonna upvote everything that y'all said, but I feel like I have to throw in one other thing in here, because the service hub is the one place where I hear the minimal amount of conversation around automation. And so the fact that the. Question was what, what are people getting wrong, man?
They are not automating to the full potential that they could with the, uh, like go into your settings, look at what you can do with ticket pipelines. Look at a couple switches you can turn on to, like do some pretty dope stuff with automation, team handoffs, all of that stuff. Stuff and not just look at it like it's a dumb CanBan board that you're like dragging and dropping across the screen that happens to be in a SaaS software best ever, by the way, called house spot.
That's not the life you should be living. Automate some stuff. Make your life easier. Okay, I'll calm down. I'm, I, I, I need a minute.
[00:18:36] Liz Murphy: You're never calm and that's okay, but that's why
love you. See,
it's alright.
[00:18:40] Devyn Bellamy: Absolutely.
[00:18:40] Liz Murphy: Arid, you know what's uh, it's like you're a mind reader because literally my next question was aridi. What is some of the coolest stuff you've seen people
with ticketing?
[00:18:48] Adriti Gulati: this is, I'm gonna make an academy video just on this because is so cool. So you can use automation to, so someone sends like you a negative feedback, or maybe they have X amount of tickets this month so that you think they're, they might be like in the red. You can automatically create tickets for them.
As you know, in red we need, these people might churn and then you can use tickets basically as a way to understand like, How long it takes someone to either get back into the green or actually turn in this way because it's in tickets. You can tag in other folks. You can assign tasks out. It's not just like one person's problem anymore, but when you use tickets to actually see help customers who are in the red, I think that one, it turns into everyone's problem, and two, you can see past.
Histories of like, oh, someone else had a problem similar to this. How did that ticket resolve? And then with ticket reporting, you have that information of like, oh, we did this, this, this, and that yielded a churn, or that didn't yield a churn, whatever it is. So you have that reporting in it too. Isn't that so unique?
I love it.
[00:19:57] George B. Thomas: love it. I, I'm, I'm listening to you, uh, talk Judy, and, and I'm like, oh, she's literally giving us that button that they reach over in the movies and like DEFCON four, like it's now all of a sudden the whole committee is like trying to save the earth. instead of it being like this one lone dude like running, or, or dude that running through like the scene.
So I, I love that. It's like the amplification of the problem. Let's all fix it. Based on automation. That is amazing.
[00:20:24] Liz Murphy: I love that. Let's take into. Feedback
[00:20:27] Max Cohen: Oh, I'm on mute. I just realized I was on mute. Sorry. Wait. Can I do one, one thing before we go kind of on the.
[00:20:32] Liz Murphy: Mark, what are you doing buddy?
[00:20:35] Max Cohen: Mark's a wild card today. Okay, listen,
[00:20:37] Liz Murphy: Mark. You got
[00:20:38] Max Cohen: I think there's also like some really cute cool use cases that transfer over to the sales hub too, as well, right? When you think about tickets, so you know, if we do look at like a traditional SAS use case or any like, You know, maybe any, any sort of like tech, right?
It's, it's common that people bring in like sales engineers, solutions, engineers, some kind of like pre-sales consultant, right? and a cool thing that like a lot of people don't do is associate deals to tickets, right? Or tickets to deals for specific reasons. It could be saying like, Hey, here's like where our support team had stepped in during like a trial and like helped solve an issue during like the deal.
Right, or maybe we're using a ticket pipeline to manage how our solutions engineering team will come in and like work a deal and kind of track what they're doing against it as well and like manage that process. So like, just because tickets kind of sits in the service hub, it doesn't mean it can't have any interaction with some of these other tools and processes that you're building in, like the sales hub or marketing hub for that matter, mark out.
[00:21:38] Devyn Bellamy: Tickets don't have to be an afterthought, like your success team.
[00:21:41] Max Cohen: Yeah,
[00:21:42] Devyn Bellamy: I'm done. Go, go ahead. Go ahead.
[00:21:43] Liz Murphy: Devin, do you need a
[00:21:45] Max Cohen: you wanna
[00:21:45] Devyn Bellamy: that, or a Xanax, one of the two
[00:21:47] George B. Thomas: I feel like he needs a hug.
[00:21:49] Liz Murphy: All right. All right. Let's go into surveys. What are most people getting wrong about surveys?
[00:21:53] Devyn Bellamy: that you need them.
[00:21:54] George B. Thomas: not using
[00:21:55] Devyn Bellamy: Yeah, that, that's it. Like people aren't like, they, oh, we don't have enough customers or, or we don't have enough people to pull. And it's like, you, you, so, so how are you even gauging the sentiment of your, your customers or people who interact with your brand? Are you guessing, are you asking your mom?
How, how, how are you finding out how people actually feel about what it is that you're doing? How are you finding these pain points?
[00:22:20] George B. Thomas: First, first of
[00:22:20] Liz Murphy: nodding along. I wanna know. Hold on, George. I see aridi like it, like nodding. I wanna know what she has to
[00:22:26] George B. Thomas: Well, I do too, but first of all, bro, moms know. Moms know, bro. I don't even know how that even came out in this podcast, but Riti, go ahead.
[00:22:34] Adriti Gulati: Yeah, I think that. People are not sending the surveys out, and if they do, they like, don't get any responses, so then they just quit. So I think sending it is the easiest part, but getting the responses following up and making those improvements is super hard and super time consuming. I, I think that's like, there's a big barrier of entry and like also the fear like, oh, what if everyone hates me?
Do I actually wanna know what people think of me? I think there's a lot, there's a lot to unpack with feedback surveys.
[00:23:04] Max Cohen: I got another three things, and I'll remember 'em, I'll remember 'em this time. So first, first one is, uh, do something with the feedback, right? That's the first one, right? A lot of people get it and then they do nothing with it. Okay, cool. Why even doing it in the first place? But the second thing is, Uh, just cuz you get one piece of feedback doesn't mean that you're gonna kind of jump and like, change everything, right?
So build reporting around the feedback so you can see over time how, like, are there actually trends with like how things are going, analyze responses over time. Like have a way to be able to actually see. You know what's actually going wrong at like a larger scale, right? The third thing, like not enough people are doing this is like tying it back together with the marketing side.
It's like, yo, if you're gonna do some kind of like referral program or you're gonna like ask for people to give reviews,
about isolating the people that literally say they're likely to do that with an NPS survey? Right? A lot of people don't know what NPS surveys are. They think it's like a one to 10.
How satisfied are you measurement, right? and a lot of people don't understand that the scale goes from negative a hundred to positive a hundred cause they don't understand what it's like actually asking. net promoter score surveys always ask the same question. How likely are you to recommend X, Y, or Z to a friend or family member?
Right, or a colleague, or like whatever it is, it's always worded. How likely are you to recommend? That is not a gauge of satisfaction. That's not like, how happy are you one to 10. It's how likely are you to tell someone that our stuff is dope? So those are the folks that you could easily just create lists of when they literally say that they're a promoter.
Right. And isolate them to do those things like referring a friend or, or doing some kind of, um, uh, like review on a review site. And not enough people are connecting the dots of what NPS actually means and building like, You know, active segmentation and or, you know, proactive or whatever, or no useful segmentation and automation around it.
Right? Connect the dots people.
[00:25:08] George B. Thomas: Hey, you know what Dot we could connect is we need a hub Heroes nps, because refer us to your friends people. We need more listeners. Leave us a review. Oh, Liz will cover that at the end. Anyway, I, I digress.
[00:25:21] Liz Murphy: George, I always appreciate that when you help us out with that.
[00:25:23] George B. Thomas: I, I do
[00:25:24] Liz Murphy: And yes, people tell me, I'm pretty, tell me, I'm pretty often, but specifically in, in podcast reviews, um, that would be extremely helpful. So let's talk about surveys a little bit more deeply. We've started talking about some of the different types of surveys, the fact that maybe people should just be doing surveys to begin with.
But Aridi, can you tell me a little bit more about where people could be inserting surveys, whether that's in service, sales, or market? What are some ways that people might not even be thinking about how to use the surveys feature?
[00:25:55] Adriti Gulati: I am gonna give you an annoying answer and then I'll just answer your question. But I think
[00:26:02] Liz Murphy: I appreciate your candor.
[00:26:03] Adriti Gulati: thing that I would do when you're trying to determine what feedback to ask, when in the customer journey to ask, in going back to Devon's point earlier, it's make a customer journey map. And highlight your, the milestones that a customer goes through in your entire marketing, sales, and service journey.
The first time they land on your website, the first time they fill out a form, the first time they talk to sales, et cetera. Make these milestones. And at every milestone, ask yourself, what is my customer doing? What is my customer thinking? And if you can't answer those questions, you probably need to stick a survey there so you understand the customer sentiment at that milestone.
So that is my first piece of advice. If you have some time to think thoroughly about surveys. if you just wanna put 'em in, I would like, the easiest places I think are just after a chat, after chat bots or a live chat stick a survey in. That's one of the easiest places. after customer support interaction, that's gonna tell you a lot.
And then as Max Mark was saying, NPS and bonus. E N P S. So employee satisfaction NPS is a great tool, um, to, for internal use as well, and send that like every six months.
[00:27:17] Devyn Bellamy: Yeah, I was literally gonna jump on that train. One of my favorite uses of surveys is what we do internally here at HubSpot. We are big on e nps, uh, and we do it not only for, uh, HubSpot in general and how we feel, and we get pretty granular, like we talk about the tools and how do you feel about the tools.
We talk about data and how we're, uh, handling our reporting. Um, but we also talk about our managers. You, I literally just did my managers, uh, e NPS today, and my favorite question was the last one. How likely are you to recommend. Some, uh, Katie Lambert to be somebody's manager, and I slide that boy bad boy all the way to 11 cuz Katie's freaking dope best manager in the world, period.
I stand on that statement, 10 toes down. Fight me about it.
[00:28:07] George B. Thomas: Hashtag rays.
[00:28:09] Max Cohen: Shout out to Peter Manka.
[00:28:10] George B. Thomas: here, here's the funny thing. It's funny because you guys are barking up a, a tree that I did want to hit upon. So we're gonna, I'm just gonna say it. When I was doing an interview, uh, with Nate Brown about voice of customer, uh, he alluded to what you're talking about and that is also, uh, a parallel side of this.
A voice of employee or like the internal listening. Right. And I think that. There's places in HubSpot where I literally go like the email tool. Okay. Don't send like your team an email, like as a test email because they jack up your analytics. But like surveys are definitely the place where I say and send your people surveys so that they can actually fill it out.
Because I think if you start to understand that the piss poor sentiment, Of the employees that you get back is directly correlated to why your customers might be pissed. I'm just gonna leave that, hang for a second. Anyway. Yeah. Employee, voice of employee and voice of customer using the feedback
[00:29:15] Max Cohen: can I, can I say something provocative about surveys now that I don't work at
[00:29:19] George B. Thomas: Ooh, provocative. Ooh.
[00:29:23] Max Cohen: Ari, so the forms tool predates both of our time at HubSpot, right? That, that, that existed right before we got there. Right. How did the surveys tool figure out multi-step survey pages, like multi-page
[00:29:38] Devyn Bellamy: hot take. Hot take. Oh, shots
[00:29:42] George B. Thomas: Here we go.
[00:29:43] Max Cohen: I am just, I'm just,
[00:29:45] Liz Murphy: to Mark after
[00:29:46] Max Cohen: I, yeah.
Mark After Dark is just calling out the forums. PM. Saying, where is it? And while you're at it, let's get some dynamic thank you pages for those, those, uh, submit buttons too, because we can do it
[00:30:00] George B. Thomas: Hashtag Can't fire me now.
[00:30:02] Max Cohen: can do it when we're going to a payments page, but we can't do it when we just going to a different thank you anyway.
I, I, I digress. You don't, you don't have to answer for that.
[00:30:09] George B. Thomas: you got a, the, the good thing, I do want to treaty to dive into that though. But the good thing is if you have a dope developer, you can actually do that second part of what you're trying to do as far as dynamic thank you pages based on something selected in a property. But I digress.
A treaty
[00:30:24] Max Cohen: a dope developer and, and, and a bag in the bank,
[00:30:27] Adriti Gulati: There are so few times people are like, Wow. I wish Marketing Hub was more like service Hub. Like Service Hub sometimes kind of gets pushed to the side, but this is one thing where, yeah, service hub's got going on.
[00:30:42] Max Cohen: W Service Hub.
[00:30:43] George B. Thomas: Yeah.
[00:30:44] Adriti Gulati: Um, and then I will, going back to surveys, another thing I think people get wrong is that they're not sharing the results with everyone. They are only like, it's only going to leadership, it's only going to the ceo. But as I'm sure we all know here, like improving the customer experience is everyone's job.
And if, if I can't tell you like, oh, I don't know what people think about HubSpot, then I'm not that great of an employee and I'm probably not gonna do a lot to improve the customer experience, know what people think about us. So I would say once you get that feedback, it is. It's so important to make sure everybody knows about it and not just the people at the top.
[00:31:28] Max Cohen: Especially if someone's crushing it, right? If someone gets like a really positive survey response, go into the workflows and set up like a notification that goes to the whole team, right? Like use it as an opportunity to celebrate, get everybody gased up on a Friday, insert some mark energy in there. You know what I mean?
[00:31:44] Liz Murphy: Mark after dark. Now Mark, after dark. I wanna pivot the conversation here a little bit. I wanna dig into the knowledge base, and I wanna get into the broad questions like what do people get wrong? What cool things they are doing. But I have a very specific question I wanna lead off with here, which is to SEO or to not seo.
When it comes to creating your knowledge-based articles, what have we
[00:32:05] Max Cohen: Can I just celebrate something about knowledge-based articles real quick and then we can talk about seo, multiple,
[00:32:10] Liz Murphy: what? And nobody else is.
[00:32:12] Max Cohen: multiple knowledge bases. Finally, sorry I had to get it out
[00:32:16] Devyn Bellamy: I, yeah,
[00:32:17] George B. Thomas: I was
[00:32:17] Liz Murphy: when I left, when I.
[00:32:18] George B. Thomas: expecting an evil laugh after that. Like a mu
or like a,
[00:32:23] Max Cohen: I'm, listen. fact that you could do multiple knowledge bases, just like you could do multiple blogs now is like the best thing ever. Like we had happily, we just kind of migrated everything over to the new knowledge base and then we're gonna build a totally separate ones. Nah, that's not a
[00:32:39] Devyn Bellamy: No, that's not a plug. I'm waiting
[00:32:40] Max Cohen: I'd be talking about Timer Man this entire time, and I haven't done
[00:32:44] Liz Murphy: Yeah, big happily.
[00:32:45] Max Cohen: Go install timer, man. If you're, if you wanna do SLAs on tickets anyway, listen, uh, just super dope, like the fact that you can do multiple knowledge bases and have different ones set up, especially if you're a company using business units, right? And you have multiple brands working out of HubSpot, right?
Being able to do multiple, are you, what are you giving me? A, a, a palm to the face list
[00:33:06] Liz Murphy: You'll find out. Keep going,
[00:33:07] Max Cohen: Anyway, I'm just saying. Now if you have multiple brands and you're managing multiple websites, it's awesome that you can have different knowledge bases for all those business units. It's great. So,
[00:33:17] Liz Murphy: You know what my favorite thing about this episode has been? I ask a specific question and then somebody says, I know you asked that question, and so we're gonna get to the other one I want to answer later, but I'm gonna do it
[00:33:26] Max Cohen: Oh, did you have that in the outline? I, all I knew is just when we got to knowledge bases, I had to express my gratitude to the Service hub product team for finally doing multiple knowledge bases anyway,
[00:33:37] Liz Murphy: Honestly, I'm always here for gratitude. I, I'm always here for gratitude, so I'm cool with that. I'm a gratitude kind of gal, but let's talk about a SEO versus not seo. What
do we
[00:33:45] Devyn Bellamy: so let me, let me give my quick SEO speech that I like to give. So back in the day, there was a time. Where Hacking SEO was all about having the keywords in there regardless of whether or not what you were doing mattered, because before you were writing. Almost exclusively for the robots. Speaking of shout out to the kid that figured out how to hack hr, um, uh, and get hired by putting keywords in his resume by making them white and then having the, uh, just everything in there in white.
And so he would get picked up by everywhere he applied to, and they ended up hiring him anyway. That's the way it used to be. You would write for the robots and then as time progressed you would write for the robots, but keep the humans in mind because then they started thinking about referral links and things of that nature.
And then what happened is that you had to write for the humans, but keep the robots in mind. And so you're thinking about where your H one and H two and make sure that we repurpose the opening statement within the second paragraph and. All that fun stuff. Now we are in the time where you write for humans and it doesn't matter what the robots think because the robots already know everything.
Thanks to Google Chrome and being able to track everyone's everything. Google already knows what impactful content is, and it knows whether or not people's questions are being answered, not by just clicks, not by just referral links, but how people are interacting with your content. So what you want to do is, Not so much focus on the keywords you're trying to qualify for or the long tail keywords.
Those are important, but what you wanna focus on is quality content, content that keeps people engaged, keeps people scrolling, keeps people clicking around your site, because that is what's important for search engine rankings. Now, that's how you get your, your, your, uh, first page. Uh, And that's how that, that, that's how it works.
Now, you, you have to have good content. You can't just write something that you'll try and hack the algorithm with. So to s se, to answer the original question, SEO 100% yes. But do it by being a good human being, writing things that people actually want to know.
[00:35:58] Liz Murphy: George, now you can see humans and it
[00:35:59] George B. Thomas: Well, maybe in a minute. Maybe in a minute. I really like was, I was pausing to see if Aridi was gonna jump in there because there's two things that actually hit my brain. Um, and I agree with everything Devin said by the way. But as a, a person who over the last decade has spent, uh, oh, I don't know, a large portion of my life with.
HubSpot knowledge articles and realizing that anytime I would search a problem and scroll down about one or two, uh, there's a knowledge article. I know that they're optimized. I know that Google's picking them up. So the answer for search engine optimization. SEO is an emphatic yes. Like I've even had clients where one of their most visited pages was a knowledge article.
Okay. That which blew his mind, but I was like, it doesn't really surprise me. now what I will do is I will also throw in another. S c o in here. and I would say simply executable. Optimized meaning I read it and I understand what in God's name I'm supposed to execute. After reading the knowledge article, you have created it in a way that simplified the complex and I get past.
The hurdle and can just keep chugging along, right? So it's not only about search engine optimized, but it's making it simple, making executable, and optimizing it for the user, as Devin would say. Now, here's the thing, I'm gonna go on a side tangent for a second. I wanna know, and I know nobody here probably knows the answer to this.
I wanna know the moment in time when HubSpot knowledge articles actually drive more traffic. Then HubSpot blogs do, because there's gonna come a day when you have like a bazillion users that there's gonna be like, oh, like 79% of our traffic this month came from knowledge articles. Then you're gonna have to start to think or actually fend off marketers who wanna come market. On your knowledge articles, those days are coming. I just wanna know when we hit that point.
[00:38:01] Devyn Bellamy: So,
[00:38:01] Max Cohen: HubSpot knowledge-based
[00:38:03] Liz Murphy: I was working with a long time ago, They're already there, like in some spaces it's already happening. A client that I worked with, um, about a year or so ago, they had like their knowledge based articles. They weren't HubSpot users, but their knowledge based or based articles for their customers were getting so much traffic that the marketers were like, Hey, can we get in on some of that?
Have we considered potentially an embedded CTA or perhaps a couple special links, maybe, maybe.
[00:38:30] George B. Thomas: get fired up.
[00:38:31] Max Cohen: my, my take on the SEOs. Oh, go ahead.
[00:38:34] Devyn Bellamy: I'm sorry. I just wanted to jump in on George's point that he brought up earlier. Um, I can't. Stress enough the importance of that second SEO that he brought up. Because part of how Google knows the problem that you are pr, uh, that you're presenting a solution for, you've solved for and gets you higher ranked is that Google's gonna know if you've looked at that, if your customer is looked at your solution and then keeps looking for other solutions to solve the problem.
So they're gonna know, like if you've ever in Chrome typed something that you've searched before, and the first thing it says
is continue your journey, that's because. Google knows that you're still trying to solve this problem, and so it's gonna cont, uh, continue to give more suggestions. But if you're typing in like how to, I don't know, fix a hard drive that keeps clicking and they end up on your knowledge base article and then they don't search anymore, then Google knows that your knowledge base article solves the problem and that gets you ranked higher.
[00:39:33] Max Cohen: Um, my, my take on the SEO stuff is like, yeah, it's, it's pretty important. Kind of like for two reasons. One, um, you know, when people are doing, like a lot of their research, especially, they're in the decision stage and they're looking at all these different companies to help 'em like solve a certain problem.
Like, it's good if they come across your knowledge base and see how like deep and helpful it is, right? Like that's a good sign for folks like, I think plenty of people buy HubSpot because they come across the knowledge base, you know, somewhat, probably unintentionally, and then poke around in there and like realize, wow, there's like a ton of really great info in here.
Seems like you know it. It's really easy to learn if I ever need to have like, need to come and ask a question, right? Um, I'll always have that knowledge at my fingertips. That's a really big reason for people to buy like a software product, right? I think the other thing is too, Is making it really easy for people to find the content in there, right?
Like you don't want people to have to take the steps of going to your website, finding the, the tab that says support. Clicking on it, clicking on knowledge base, and then clicking on the search bar in there to like find like an answer. I. Right. You want them to be able to type like the name of your product space question and then have it come up.
Like that's, that's how HubSpots does it, right? You can type in HubSpot and then anything you want to know, and you're gonna get a knowledge-based article a hundred percent, right? Um, and you wanna make it that accessible and easy to find. For your, your customers because that's an easier thing for them to do.
Like just googling something than it is to like go get on the phone and like bug a support person with a problem that could easily be answered by a knowledge-based article. Right? So, you know, from a, making it easy for people to find great and also making it so people discover it during the sales process and it's just another reason for them to wanna buy from you cuz they know they're gonna be well supported.
Another great reason why SEO is super important.
[00:41:16] Liz Murphy: You know a Judy, I want us you to take us home with the knowledge base cause I wanna make sure we have time to talk about the customer portal. But Aridi, I wanna hear from you if there's only one thing that somebody gets or understands about the knowledge base that you think is the most important thing about it.
What is it and
[00:41:34] Adriti Gulati: Set up a knowledge base, a good knowledge base, and watch your ticket count decrease. I feel like not many people are using knowledge base and I don't understand why. It's like the easiest thing to reduce ticket count.
[00:41:48] Max Cohen: creating content is hard.
[00:41:50] Liz Murphy: that. So, No, but here's the thing, right? Like to a aridi, exactly what you said. Would you like your customers to call in with fewer questions? Maybe just maybe proactively address them.
Just the thought.
[00:42:01] Max Cohen: Self solve baby.
[00:42:02] Liz Murphy: gonna keep, we're gonna keep it with Aridi.
Let's talk about customer portal. What is it? What in the Dominic Toreros name is the customer portal and why is it
[00:42:14] George B. Thomas: As a swear word.
[00:42:16] Max Cohen: it's family.
[00:42:17] Liz Murphy: no.
[00:42:18] George B. Thomas: You,
[00:42:18] Devyn Bellamy: Technically, you used his name
in vain, so Yeah.
[00:42:21] George B. Thomas: a minute.
[00:42:22] Devyn Bellamy: Up.
[00:42:22] Liz Murphy: I think he'd respect it. I think he'd understand. We're family. But anyway, gentlemen, your name is not a
[00:42:28] Adriti Gulati: do you guys use
customer portal
[00:42:29] Liz Murphy: to me about the
[00:42:31] Adriti Gulati: anyone use it? Okay.
[00:42:33] George B. Thomas: Yes,
[00:42:33] Adriti Gulati: Yeah. Customer portal.
[00:42:37] George B. Thomas: Oh wow. Okay. This is interesting, but, but I'll
shut up.
[00:42:41] Adriti Gulati: okay. We can like cut things and we don't have to post it for everyone. Right? Okay. No ahead. I'm not going
[00:42:50] Max Cohen: listen very carefully.
[00:42:51] Liz Murphy: no.
[00:42:53] Adriti Gulati: I'm just saying customer portal started off like just between us. Customer portal started off with so much like we now have self-serving offerings, not just a knowledge base. We have self-service. Right. But. The product team's just not working on it anymore. So it's, um, on the back burner, but I mean,
[00:43:13] Devyn Bellamy: All right, well, let's just skip the whole customer
[00:43:15] Max Cohen: Well, it works though, right?
[00:43:17] Liz Murphy: No, no, no. All right. All right guys. Let me wrangle it back in cuz we don't have much time
[00:43:21] Max Cohen: Okay.
[00:43:21] Liz Murphy: So Aridi customer portal. Talk to me about what
[00:43:25] Adriti Gulati: Yes.
[00:43:25] Liz Murphy: need to
[00:43:26] Adriti Gulati: Um, okay. How many times do you guys see customers coming in and being like, Hey, are you working on my ticket? Or, like, what's, what's the status of this ticket? Right. And then they just submit another ticket and another ticket. Customer portal is the answer to that. Basically, it's a, it's a home behind a login where a customer can click the button and see all of their tickets, see the status of it, and be like, oh, uh, this one I need to respond to this one I'm still waiting on the company for.
So it's just a way to kind of, um, synthesize all of your tickets into one portal.
[00:43:59] George B. Thomas: Yeah. And, and it's interesting that we're going down this cuz Liz, I'll just throw in here too, uh, with that. Question. We always look at it as kind of a lightweight solution to get somebody visibility, but we know that if they're gonna need something deeper than that with like some rich, robust functionality, that we're probably gonna end up building something or even sharing that.
Other partners have built things right. So I think of like Digi Cat and they've built a couple things around, like partner portal themes. I think about impulse, creative and like the, you know, PRM system that they created. So, so just know at least from a hub, heroes or this guy's perspective, if it's simple and visibility, customer portal, if it's rich and robust, maybe we're going in a different direction.
[00:44:48] Max Cohen: Are you forgetting someone? George
[00:44:49] George B. Thomas: Oh,
is there somebody else?
[00:44:52] Max Cohen: Customer Portal.
[00:44:54] George B. Thomas: Oh, do they? Max
[00:44:55] Max Cohen: Yeah.
[00:44:56] Liz Murphy: Big
[00:44:57] Max Cohen: I had to man, if you were calling out the other ones, I had to
[00:45:00] George B. Thomas: shill, shilling, shill, shill. In
[00:45:03] Max Cohen: Shill out.
[00:45:04] George B. Thomas: shilling.
[00:45:07] Liz Murphy: Calm down, mark.
[00:45:08] Max Cohen: Okay. I'm calm.
[00:45:09] Liz Murphy: I'm just kidding. Is there anything else that you guys love about customer Portal
[00:45:12] George B. Thomas: Oh yeah. By the way, happily has happily has a customer portal too. I forgot that one.
[00:45:17] Max Cohen: Yes, yes, you
[00:45:19] Devyn Bellamy: Oh, before
[00:45:20] Max Cohen: Mark Disapproves.
[00:45:22] Devyn Bellamy: um,
[00:45:23] Liz Murphy: Oh God.
[00:45:24] Devyn Bellamy: customer portal. I just wanted to throw that out there.
[00:45:26] Max Cohen: Got it. Yeah,
[00:45:27] Liz Murphy: Wonderful. So Aridi, I have a
[00:45:29] Max Cohen: was gonna go into a
[00:45:30] Liz Murphy: No, no.
[00:45:31] Max Cohen: of the customer portal app. Wait, wait. Can I say one thing that I really love about customer portal? And, and this is good. When you have like, uh, and this is like a kind of a nuanced one. What's really neat is there a, there's a setting in there that allows you to see tickets, either just that you've created or tickets from anyone in your organization, right?
So if there's any companies like selling services to like, Something like IT services to people, right? A pretty common thing that like, you know, the, the IT customer on the other end of that like managed service would want to do is see tickets that other people in their org have put into your organization to help with stuff.
Right? Um, so it's cool. We, I, I love customer service portal, but basically it just gives visibility of people's tickets they've created to the end user so they can go and update 'em, they can see the status of them, all that kind of stuff. So you can stop communicating all that by email. Every time something happens, right, just it makes it
[00:46:27] Adriti Gulati: tip, I was just gonna quickly say, put your customer portal log in, link in your ticket kickback email.
[00:46:34] Max Cohen: Ooh, smart.
[00:46:36] Liz Murphy: ooh, spicy. I like it. I like it. All right, so I'm gonna be honest, a Judy, this may be putting you on the spot, like Inbound is around the corner and like we've been talking about it and like I know it inbound, it can be like inbound Christmas because they tell us a bunch of cool things that are coming.
Can, can, can we get excited about anything for Service Hub, even abstractly from Inbound Santa this year.
[00:47:00] George B. Thomas: Oh, I love inbound standup, by
[00:47:02] Max Cohen: Mm,
[00:47:03] Liz Murphy: Santa is
[00:47:03] Adriti Gulati: are you guys using
[00:47:04] Liz Murphy: big fan of inbound Santa.
[00:47:05] Max Cohen: the AI stuff.
[00:47:06] George B. Thomas: I, yes, I,
[00:47:08] Adriti Gulati: I know that's in beta or alpha. You have to sign up first, but I think it's gonna be more widespread by inbound probably. There's gonna be like, imagine how easy to write knowledge based articles with that, or imagine like to respond to angry customers. Like it's gonna be, I think it's gonna, it's gonna change the game, but I'm, I think there's gonna be a lot around ai.
Um, and then WhatsApp. I know we didn't talk about that, but I'm very excited about WhatsApp and I think they're gonna be, um, some updates to, to that tool.
[00:47:40] George B. Thomas: You know, that's what's interest. Oh my. Oh. My God. Like we didn't talk about, uh, unified inbox
WhatsApp, like all the things.
[00:47:52] Max Cohen: SLAs. Yep.
[00:47:55] George B. Thomas: another episode, ladies and gentlemen, that's
[00:47:58] Max Cohen: oh,
[00:47:59] Liz Murphy: no, another, another service episode. I hate it. I'm so upset about that. I'm gonna go cry.
[00:48:07] Max Cohen: no.
[00:48:08] Liz Murphy: I know, I know. Nobody
[00:48:10] George B. Thomas: the
[00:48:10] Liz Murphy: that. I know. Okay. Is there any final words that we wanna have to say though, in this episode? One thing you feel like you didn't get to say one thing that excites you, ignites you, whatever it is.
What have we got before I take us
[00:48:25] Max Cohen: don't sleep on the service hub. It's not all about marketing and sales. You gotta, you gotta complete sleep suite, you gotta close the loop. Use it.
[00:48:32] Devyn Bellamy: don't sleep on your service team either. All right.
[00:48:35] Liz Murphy: are
[00:48:36] Devyn Bellamy: I'm, I'm, I'm trying to put my soapbox away and it just won't go.
[00:48:40] Max Cohen: Pay your service people commission. That's what I'll say,
[00:48:42] Devyn Bellamy: Ooh. Ooh.
[00:48:46] George B. Thomas: Hmm.
[00:48:46] Liz Murphy: mark after dark back again.
[00:48:48] George B. Thomas: I have to, I have to continue to like beat this drum. Because I think it's something that, as a marketer for years and years and years, I had my eyes closed and it, I feel dumb about it. But then I had, again, that interview with Nate Brown. I have to go back to how do you use all the tools?
And, and by the way, this is a, a crazy, like, oh my God, we didn't talk about all the conversations, tools, uh, voice of customer. Voice of customer, voice of employee use all the tools that you get access to with the service hub to fill both of those things in your organization and then flood 'em through the rest of the sales and marketing team members to garnish that information that you're gaining because it will be truly, truly enlightening once you actually can have a bidirectional conversation.
Even if it's digitally,
[00:49:45] Liz Murphy: Love it. Well, a treaty. Thank you. So much for joining us. This has been amazing. Do you wanna leave us with any parting words of wisdom?
[00:49:56] Adriti Gulati: did I already say to self-service?
[00:49:59] Liz Murphy: I know
[00:50:00] Adriti Gulati: I'm just kidding
[00:50:01] Liz Murphy: you did.
[00:50:02] Adriti Gulati: you
[00:50:02] Liz Murphy: you wanna just say it once more with feeling lean
[00:50:04] Adriti Gulati: Actually, we didn't talk as about AI as much as I'd like to, so I do have to come back, but. I was reading this article that said I think a lot of customer support folks specifically are kind of scared of AI taking their jobs. But what I read and what I really resonate with is AI isn't taking customer support jobs.
People who use AI will take the jobs of people who don't use ai,
[00:50:30] George B. Thomas: Yes.
[00:50:31] Max Cohen: Ooh,
[00:50:33] George B. Thomas: By the way, that doesn't stop at service. That's, that's I think anybody,
[00:50:37] Adriti Gulati: And I know that's kind of random, but next time we'll talk about AI and customer support, your service.
[00:50:42] Max Cohen: let's go. We gotta do a post inbound update of the service hub.
[00:50:47] George B. Thomas: Yes.
[00:50:47] Liz Murphy: no. Another service episode. But with that ladies and gentlemen, a Adriani, thank you so much for joining us this week. Uh, as George and I both said earlier, if you think we're amazing, delightful, wonderful humans, please let us know via review. We would love to hear from you. And with that, we will talk to you next week when I believe we have another guest.
Lots of guests. That's all. I got. Lots of guests.
[00:51:11] George B. Thomas: amazing? We made it out of this jam without a haiku.

Creators and Guests

Devyn Bellamy
Devyn Bellamy
Devyn Bellamy works at HubSpot. He works in the partner enablement department. He helps HubSpot partners and HubSpot solutions partners grow better with HubSpot. Before that Devyn was in the partner program himself, and he's done Hubspot onboardings, Inbound strategy, and built out who knows how many HubSpot, CMS websites. A fun fact about Devyn Bellamy is that he used to teach Kung Fu.
George B. Thomas
George B. Thomas
George B. Thomas is the HubSpot Helper and owner at George B. Thomas, LLC and has been doing inbound and HubSpot since 2012. He's been training, doing onboarding, and implementing HubSpot, for over 10 years. George's office, mic, and on any given day, his clothing is orange. George is also a certified HubSpot trainer, Onboarding specialist, and student of business strategies. To say that George loves HubSpot and the people that use HubSpot is probably a massive understatement. A fun fact about George B. Thomas is that he loves peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.
Liz Murphy
Liz Murphy
Liz Murphy is a business content strategist and brand messaging therapist for growth-oriented, purpose-driven companies, organizations, and industry visionaries. With close to a decade of experience across a wide range of industries – healthcare, government contracting, ad tech, RevOps, insurance, enterprise technology solutions, and others – Liz is who leaders call to address nuanced challenges in brand messaging, brand voice, content strategy, content operations, and brand storytelling that sells.
Max Cohen
Max Cohen
Max Cohen is currently a Senior Solutions Engineer at HubSpot. Max has been working at HubSpot for around six and a half-ish years. While working at HubSpot Max has done customer onboarding, learning, and development as a product trainer, and now he's on the HubSpot sales team. Max loves having awesome conversations with customers and reps about HubSpot and all its possibilities to enable company growth. Max also creates a lot of content around inbound, marketing, sales, HubSpot, and other nerdy topics on TikTok. A fun fact about Max Cohen is that outside of HubSpot and inbound and beyond being a dad of two wonderful daughters he has played and coached competitive paintball since he was 15 years old.
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