HubSpot Reporting: a Totally Epic Deep-Dive Into Measuring Inbound Business Success, feat. Jorie Munroe

[00:00:00] George B. Thomas: Hold up, hold up. Liz. Liz, I know you're gonna jump in there and get started, but what we have to do, we have to say, Hey, what those, those legal jargons you just heard, that's also for Jory cuz Jo's here today.


[00:00:09] Jorie Munroe: is also me

[00:00:10] George B. Thomas: yes, Liz, go ahead. Uh, cuz she has her own thoughts. I'm, I'm pretty sure she has her own thoughts.

[00:00:15] Liz Murphy: I was going to say is, first of all, welcome to yet another scintillating, tantalizing, exciting episode of Hub Heroes. Right? Sure. That's right. Right, right, right. Nothing gets me more hyped than legal jargon. Nothing gets me more ready to freaking rock than since serious State Harbor Language. What do you think, Jory?

What do you think?

[00:00:35] Jorie Munroe: you know, I wouldn't say it's like my top five interests, but I'm glad that you love it. I'm like, I'm glad that this is your thing, because I'm glad that it's someone's thing.

[00:00:44] Liz Murphy: that's like the positive version of someone being like, I'm so sorry you feel that way. And I'm like, wait, that's not an apology. Hold on a second.

[00:00:52] George B. Thomas: That's what I would've went with. I

[00:00:54] Jorie Munroe: Someone needs. Someone needs to have, find it. Interesting. It's

[00:00:57] Liz Murphy: George, so early to be escorting yourself into the penalty box so

[00:01:01] George B. Thomas: Listen, we haven't had a pole more limerick in a while. I'm gonna do my best this episode to make it so that you have to

[00:01:08] Liz Murphy: what you do. This is what, this is what some people call manifesting cuz you say it and then it happens. If you don't say it, it doesn't happen. Now guess what's gonna happen today

[00:01:20] George B. Thomas: It probably won't happen.

[00:01:21] Liz Murphy: for you. Just for you. A poem.

[00:01:25] Jorie Munroe: you make a data poem, I will personally buy you a coffee at Inbound.

[00:01:29] George B. Thomas: challenge

[00:01:30] Liz Murphy: Okey dokey.

[00:01:31] Jorie Munroe: Like literally coffee favors for you

[00:01:35] Liz Murphy: She has no idea what she's

[00:01:36] Jorie Munroe: I am ready. Let's do it.

[00:01:38] Liz Murphy: no idea what she's asked for. But anyway, wait. Let's talk about the fact that, hi, obviously not one of our usual voices. Jory, introduce yourself.

[00:01:46] Jorie Munroe: Hi. Yeah, totally. I'm Joy Monroe, uh, and I am a HubSpot Academy professor. So if you've seen any, you know, like reporting content ads, content, conversion content, maybe you've seen me on my screen, that makes us already best friends. Love that for us. I also am the host of HubSpot's, uh, another Bite podcast.

So like, if you're like, I don't know, this voice is kind of familiar. Maybe you saw me there or heard me there. but yeah, all things, all things reporting, all things data, I'm ready to nerd out today. Uh, so, uh, hi. Hello. And let's get started.

[00:02:19] Liz Murphy: Yeah. In fact, you kind of teed us up really nicely there. She, I wonder why. A HubSpot reporting guru would be here. Could it be, I don't know, to talk about reporting.

[00:02:31] Jorie Munroe: but wouldn't it be funny if it was like, so we're going to talk about this unrelated.

[00:02:35] George B. Thomas: Wait, wait,

[00:02:36] Liz Murphy: here to talk about how we preserve Laminins. That's

[00:02:38] Jorie Munroe: Yeah.

[00:02:39] George B. Thomas: today was the projects tool

[00:02:42] Jorie Munroe: Oh,

[00:02:42] George B. Thomas: not the episode on the projects tool today.

[00:02:44] Liz Murphy: George, I know you're joking, but I did have that momentary heart attack, so thank you so

[00:02:48] George B. Thomas: welcome.

[00:02:49] Liz Murphy: As the person who is responsible for doing the outlining, it's fine. Everything's great. No, we're here to talk about reporting and to be honest, we've talked about reporting in the not so distant past, so if you haven't gone back and heard that episode, I would, I recommend

[00:03:05] Jorie Munroe: Do it now.

[00:03:05] Liz Murphy: a walk down memory lane.

Not like right now though, cuz you're listening to us and we're amazing. But we are back with jewelry today of HubSpot because this topic is so stinking important. You see? One of the things that makes HubSpot so freaking powerful extends far beyond the tools that we talk about on many of these episodes, right?

Like last week we were talking about sequences and templates and snippets. We've talked about workflows, we've talked about campaigns. But here's the deal, folks, if you're not tapping into HubSpot's robust reporting capabilities, what are you even doing? And, and I'm not, I don't wanna pull any punches there because like if you're not measuring it, you're not managing it.

Now, to be fair, I wanna be fair for the vast majority of the hubs, spotters who are listening out there, we know you aren't actively ignoring HubSpot's

[00:03:54] George B. Thomas: Well. Well, some people might. Some people might be, actually, I'm just gonna throw that

[00:03:58] Liz Murphy: that's why I said, okay, for a meaningful, a meaningful percentage of you, you are not actively ignoring it. For those of you who are ignoring it, you're in the right place.

George will scold you later after the show. But here's the thing though, I think even with the best of intentions, It is very easy to get overwhelmed with what HubSpot offers from a data and reporting perspective, because like once you pop the hood on the big orange sprocket, I don't know about y'all, but sometimes I'm like attribution reporting.

Yes. This is delightful mother. Like, I don't know. I don't know what to do, so I wanna change that. I wanna change that. Dave, right here, right now. How's that sound? Yes. Yes. Wonderful. Devin, how are you feeling,

[00:04:40] Devyn Bellamy: I am so into it.

[00:04:41] Liz Murphy: Yes. Yes. All right. Let's start big picture then. Let's dig in. Before we even touch the tool, before we even start talking about custom report builders and attribution and all of that good stuff, what would you say are the must have mindsets?

Folks need to have Jo for hubs, step bot reporting that can make their break or their ability to actually tap into what their reporting tools have to offer.

[00:05:03] Jorie Munroe: definitely. So this is, this is an interesting question just because I feel like you're not alone. If you're like, uh, I'll do everything else before I do my reporting. Like I will constantly put it at the bottom of my list. Like I feel like that's a pretty normal behavior, right? But I feel like the biggest blocker, the biggest mindset change that needs to happen before, like really starting to flex that reporting muscle is like you need to realize that you don't need to be good with numbers.

You don't need to be a statistician or a mathematician to be a really effective. Reporter and to have a really robust reporting like strategy. So I see that as something that particularly marketers, but sometimes sales reps fall into is just like they, they kind of self-defeat before they've even tried.

Right. And I think honestly like the best analytics folks are actually at their core storytellers, right? Because at the end of the day, like you can build as many charts, you can build as many graphs, you can build the most complex dashboards. But if you can't contextualize what you're seeing, if you can't create a narrative that is a effective and like resonates with your audience, so that's like your stakeholders, that could be your boss, then essentially like your reports are gonna be as useful as like digital widgets on a dashboard, right?

So it's like you need to be able, you need to be able to turn. Um, not only like data into insight or like data into information, but like information into insight, right? And that comes with being able to effectively summarize what you're seeing, but then yeah, like put it into the context of what's happening in your business, why that matters, like at all, and then what you should be doing next.

So taking all of that insight and turning it into action. And you cannot do that without storytelling. You cannot do that without resonating with people

[00:06:51] Liz Murphy: George, I am watching you. Anybody who's watching us live, by the way, while we're recording this, can see like, George got like,

[00:06:58] Jorie Munroe: I know. I was like, yes,

[00:07:00] Liz Murphy: Jing.

[00:07:01] George B. Thomas: oh my

[00:07:01] Liz Murphy: right,

[00:07:01] Jorie Munroe: this is my hype squad.

[00:07:03] Liz Murphy: George. I gotta be perfectly honest. The moment she said storytelling, it was like somebody just like it was another Fast and Furious movie all over again for you bud.

[00:07:11] George B. Thomas: Yeah. It's so dope because here's the thing, and, and I wanna just say too, I'm gonna add in another mindset. The mindset of that it's not confusing. Okay. Like a lot of people just be like, HubSpot is confusing. HubSpot is confusing. Uh, reporting, it's confusing. No, no, no, no. Uh, sit Indian style, light some candles, light some sage and say after me, HubSpot reporting is easy.

HubSpot reporting is easy. HubSpot reporting just manifests it. You're gonna understand this stuff. But when jewelry went into storytelling, my mind I always go into, like if you start with a question and you allow the answer to flow, aka the story, and when Jori was talking about data that then equals insights, I was like, yes.

Yes, cuz I was literally talking to somebody yesterday and they were like, listen, I've got this person who has all the reports in the world, and they're like, we just need help understanding what the reports mean. I literally said to this person, what they need is a data translator. They need somebody who knows the best practices, they know they need somebody who knows what the answer actually equals, meaning.

What Jo was talking about was data equals insight. Ladies and gentlemen, what needs to happen around reporting is insight needs to equal action. But the only way the insight can equal action is you understand that 60% bounce rate is good. Anything over 60 is bad. What's the two to three things that you can do to fix a bounce rate?

Add a video, add an audio player. Make it actually like, uh, you know, the search engine results, like meta description matches the page. They're going to, the social post matches the pages they're going to like, there's specificity in context like you have to know. The end means to reverse engineer the actions that you get from the insights on the data you're reporting.

That's all I'm gonna say. I was really hyped the jury was going in that direction. That's all. That's all.

[00:08:58] Devyn Bellamy: I think that jury absolutely nailed it. Um, that's one of the things that I always pull out a soapbox on when it comes to reporting and data is that you have to. Be able to tell a story with it. the other thing about the mindset is that you don't need every single report. You don't need every single number.

It is so easy to lose the forest for the trees and just get lost in data. And what you should be doing is understanding the purpose behind all of these reports that you're creating is to have actionable insights and not just look at this thing that did this thing and, oh wow. Or, I'm gonna focus on this one number and I'm gonna try and, and look at this number.

And this number is going to be, you know, the, the, the, the litmus test for everything. And I'm comparing it like, no, that that's not the case. What you should be doing is using your data to let you know whether or not your plan is working. And if your plan's not working, you should be able to use the data to help guide you to why.

[00:09:59] Liz Murphy: You know what? You were spitting so much fire there. My dog nugget. Agreed. So way to go there,

[00:10:03] Devyn Bellamy: it, nugget. Appreciate it.

[00:10:04] Liz Murphy: Now I, I do have a quick follow up question here because one of the things I'm sure we've all heard, particularly on the storytelling angle is that you can literally use numbers to tell stories about anything.

You can manifest, if you will, any story you want about the numbers. And I, I'll be honest, coming from the agency world, that was kind of always like the, the, uh, joke, right? Like you're giving, you're giving reporting to clients. And you're picking and cherry picking numbers that tell the story you wanna tell.

So how do you find that line between telling the right stories and telling and kind of leading into that trope of like, marketers will just find data about anything, you know?

[00:10:47] George B. Thomas: I know, I know Joey's gonna go, but I know. I know.

[00:10:51] Liz Murphy: There we go.

[00:10:52] Jorie Munroe: And I think to a certain extent that happens when you have the story before you have the data, right? Like, so I think that like you need to approach your reporting without confirmation bias. Like you're not, you need to be able to like translate what the numbers are actually saying first, and then use that to create your story rather being, rather than being like, well, I know we spent our marketing budget really importantly, and then using it to like confirm.

So I think it's, it's also using this, these steps sequentially, right? Like not going into it, trying to like extrapolate what you're already trying to confirm, but like really saying, okay, like here's what happened, here's why it happened. And potentially even using like a FR five wise framework to unpack the trends that you're seeing.

Um, and then using that to present after you've gathered, gathered your data.

[00:11:39] Liz Murphy: Completely agree there because one of the things that comes to mind, at least when I think about mindsets with reporting, because yes, your girl, Liz, actually has an opinion on this one. When I think about mindsets with reporting, particularly when it comes to storytelling, I think there you have to get out of the mindset of I need the data to support the notion of tell the story of I should keep my job like that.

That has to be put on the back burner. You have to go at it from the perspective of sometimes the story you're telling is, guys, guess what? Good news, we caught this early, this isn't working. And when you think about it from that perspective, that's where you, that's where you kind of develop your, your. Your reputation as someone who is a strategic brain, a strategic partner in whatever department or company or team that you're in. If you are showing up every day going, Hey, I am watching this data to iterate, to help us improve, to help us scale, to help us grow, to be a, a human. Cuz I don't have a fancy button who understands that?

Guess whats guys. Sometimes we make mistakes, sometimes we gamble and we lose. But good news, we caught it early. Like

[00:12:47] Jorie Munroe: we'll never do that again. Right? Like,

[00:12:50] Liz Murphy: So glad we learned a thousand ways not to make a light bulb. Right. I know, George, I see you on the mic. Yeah.

[00:12:56] George B. Thomas: because I have a simple brain, right? I, I, for some reason it just simplifies things. And when I hear you guys talking, where my brain goes is, instead of sa trying to cement what you want to be true, be curious about the reality that you live in, right? Because that's a major mindset difference.

There's a wide canyon between those two. But also, I gotta circle back around and go sideways, Joey, because you just like skirt, scar, skirted past like the five y framework. And I as like a listener and somebody is who here is like, uh, five y What?

[00:13:27] Jorie Munroe: Yeah, definitely. So I think like the crux of it, you could definitely, there's like definitely multiple articles that are probably gonna be a little bit more eloquent than me, but essentially like it's the theory that if you ask why something is happening, like five levels deep, you'll get to the crux of the issue.

Right? So it's like, say your traffic, isn't performing right. Like you notice sessions are down. Okay, why is that happening? Oh, interesting. So this month our pay didn't perform as much. Okay. Second. Why? Why is that happening? Oh, like we, we ran campaign A and it's on product A, so why didn't that perform?

Okay, third, why level? You know? And you keep asking why to the trends that you're seeing, to the outliers, to, that you're seeing to any spikes that you're seeing. And, and much like you said, Georgia, like you start to get curious and then you use why as sort of your like north star, to really understand what your data is telling you.

So it's just, it's like a simple kind of, uh, re reminder to be curious, but then also to really get to the heart of why something might be happening that is abnormal or doesn't align with your typical performance. So it can be like a pro, a popular framework to use. Um, especially because you know, you, you think about your data and it's, it's a, it's a ocean of so many different insights.

You could go so many different angles, um, and it kind of gives you that, that rope to guide you through it. Um, which can be helpful if you're feeling overwhelmed.

[00:14:52] George B. Thomas: By the way, if you're in a therapy chair, it's about the seventh y that you start bawling and like losing your brain. I'm just gonna let everybody know that's about what happens

[00:15:00] Jorie Munroe: You can use it in your life too, not just your reporting. So,

[00:15:03] Liz Murphy: Speaking of therapy and deep internalized trauma. Let's talk about the custom report. Buil Builder,

[00:15:08] George B. Thomas: Woo.

[00:15:09] Jorie Munroe: Sure.

[00:15:09] Liz Murphy: Woohoo. Awesome. So what do people get right about it? What do people get wrong about it?

[00:15:14] Jorie Munroe: Yep. Yep. So, uh, bold choice, starting with the custom report builder. Just gonna put that out there. Love that. so I think about the custom report builder as sort of like your nucleus of data in HubSpot, right? So it's like going to be where you join the most data together. Look at the most data can flexibly filter as much as possible.

Uh, so surprisingly, I actually recently did some research with the product team to be like, okay, like I wanna get like a technical answer on like what people get right. And it was actually a little surprising because counterintuitively, at least to me, who like creates education about the custom report builder.

It's. Joining is like something that most people get, right? So most people are very, uh, well equipped to understand their data sources, the properties that things are like living on in their own HubSpot account, and then honestly, like how the HubSpot report builder puts them together. So like the two long didn't read of the HubSpot Report Builder, and I think it's in certain resources, but it's really helpful to keep in mind is that HubSpot Report Builders, uh, it joins data sources together using a concept that if you use SQL or SQL at all, might be familiar.

And it's this concept of a left join. So say you have like table one and table two, if you join those together with a left join, it's going to include all of the data from table one and then all of the associated tab table data from table two. So it's not gonna grab all of the information from table two, but it will get associated information.

So, In general, that explains why when you start to add more data sources, you start to sort of narrow down the type of data that you're actually gathering in. Because essentially this filtering of data is happening across your data sources. The more you add them in. So surprisingly, that's actually the concept that people get down, right?

Like, and I think there's a couple reasons for that. I think we've, we've started to really dive into the education of like how this joining works. I think also the team's been like getting really good about previewing the data that's being brought into reports. So you have like the table below that, like data joining screen.

You have like the preview on the, the right side if you're in the custom report builder. So surprisingly, I mean that might have been a little too in the weeds for what you were asking, but like in recent months, like that's what people are absolutely nailing is like understanding where their data is coming from.

[00:17:37] Liz Murphy: Uh, we love getting nerdy here. Uh, we love getting in the weeds. That is where we do our best work. George, what are your thoughts?

[00:17:43] George B. Thomas: Oh man. So was it what they're getting wrong or what they're getting right? Uh, remind me what they're getting right. Oh, both, so both at the same time. Wow. I, let's see if my

[00:17:54] Liz Murphy: Well, you know what I wanted to, well, here's the thing. Sometimes you get really excited. Uh, we've had instances in the past, George, where you're like, I understand you asked this question. I would like to answer the opposite. So I just decided to front load and give you both

[00:18:07] George B. Thomas: load it. So my, my worry is, and kind of piggybacking off of what Jory was talking about, is they understand where it is and what it is and how it joins. But my biggest worry is that we're talking about a slice of HubSpot users. Um, not all HubSpot users, meaning that might be the marketers, but you might have somebody in operations who doesn't understand that, somebody in sales that doesn't understand that.

So my worry is that companies aren't realizing the importance of data sets and being able to simplify the complex for those humans that aren't actually at the level in which the marketers might be with the reporting. So that's one thing that. I don't have hard, fast data, but I'm curious, uh, if there is a disconnect in us using that to empower our teams because we love to empower our teams, whether it's sales, service, operations, like we're just big fans of that at the at Hub Heroes.

Right Now, the thing that I, I, again, I'm gonna go in this vein that I have to talk about cuz I think it's so stinking important, is I, I don't think that people are starting their reporting with a question. And the reason I'm gonna double down on this is because they'll say, I wanna report on this property and to your, uh, Joy's earlier thing, why, right?

And what do you want it to be connected with? Like, but, and, and the reason I bring this up is because if you look at sample reports in the custom report builder, what are all of those reports? They're questions. They are

[00:19:40] Liz Murphy: Yeah, gimme an example of a question cuz at that, immediately my brain went, huh? What kind of

[00:19:46] George B. Thomas: Yeah. So if you go into HubSpot and you go to reports, and you go to the custom report builder and you then go into sample reports, what you're gonna see is that the tool has been set up to ask you as a human being, That's a human. How many of my customers have paid over time? Who owns the contacts created this month?

What are the original sources of my most recently created contacts? How many marketing I could continue on? But what it doesn't say is, here's the report for your custom property you built last week. Here's the report for this default property. HubSpot built when the software is made. Like that's not the language.

That's not the idea. And so again, a knowing the smart questions to ask in your business that then you're turning into reports, I think is a thing that is wrong. By the way, this, if anybody's counting is the second thing wrong that I've said. Right? So what are they doing right?

[00:20:45] Liz Murphy: Yeah. What are they getting right about it?

[00:20:46] George B. Thomas: I mean, I'm sure that they're probably creating like dashboards.

[00:20:49] Liz Murphy: Gosh, don't sound so optimistic about users of the customer. Port builder. Dang.

[00:20:55] George B. Thomas: that's the, that's the thing. I, I, and I, I'm jaded

[00:20:58] Jorie Munroe: mm-hmm.

[00:20:59] George B. Thomas: everybody that I have trained, when we talk about, and this is why Joy said bold move custom report builder right out the gate. Everybody that I have trained historically just has issues with the custom report builder. They have a hard time. This is why I was talking about candles and sage and saying reporting is not difficult.

Report. I have to actually train people on how to learn the custom report builder, not how to use the custom report builder. That's the world that I live in.

[00:21:27] Jorie Munroe: Mm-hmm.

[00:21:28] Liz Murphy: do you, if you could get in front of, let's say, I don't know, a captive audience of HubSpot who might be listening to this episode. Take them virtually by the shoulders and say, listen to your board, Georgie. If you've remember nothing else about the custom report builder, let it be this.

[00:21:44] George B. Thomas: Oh my God. Well, again, in a totally different direction then I'm gonna shut up and let Devin talk for a while. I feel like I'm

[00:21:49] Liz Murphy: Oh, I'm getting to him. No, no, no, no.

[00:21:51] George B. Thomas: right now. No, here's what I, here's what I would tell people is that, um, it is worth the climb to the top of the mountain to understand the tool because the tool and the power that you have in it, with just being able to go in there and, and the filtering and grouping and like additional stuff that you can do in the custom report builder that you can't do in single object or attribution or funnel reporting.

Like it's worth Unfortunately. I just don't know if they can see the end value. For the reason to climb the mountain, and if there was something that I could wave a magic wand, I would have every HubSpot user somehow see the top of the mountain.

[00:22:32] Liz Murphy: I love it. Devin, what do you got?

[00:22:33] Devyn Bellamy: I think the thing that people get right about Custom Report Builder is they understand the need to open it instead of an Excel spreadsheet. so thank you for that. the fact that people are even diving into the tool is fantastic and allowing their reporting to live in one place so they have a single source of truth that is dynamically, uh, constantly updating is, is fantastic.

Um, I think one of the things that people get wrong about it, Is, um, not pulling the right information in order to get what they need. Um, there are some fairly universal metrics that, uh, all companies should be tracking that aren't necessarily in, uh, the static, you know, reports or in, in the report library.

And so I, it, it's really important to get in there and create some of these metric or create some of these reports that are, allow you to track these metrics. Um, like, I forgot who said it before. I, I think, yeah, I don't remember who said it, but it, it's about being able to be an advocate to the other people who aren't necessarily using the tool.

And, um, that's, that may not always be the case. You might, and I always say this, you might lose sight of the forest for the trees. You might be focusing and drilled in. And one thing when you should be expanding out and tracking some of the core metrics. I actually, uh, found this thing from a, a HubSpot solutions partner, uh, Alicia Dominico.

She, uh, shared with me as HubSpot blog post on 12 metrics every sas, uh, SAS company should know. Um, and it breaks down like customer churn, revenue churn, uh, customer lifetime value, customer acquisition cost, months to recover the customer acquisition cost, uh, and and, and more. And these are all things that if you're creative enough and know how to use like the math functions, uh, that are within the, uh, tools that you can generate reports around.

[00:24:36] George B. Thomas: See, I, I wanna double down on a word and that's all. Then I'm gonna be quiet. I swear. I promise. I wanna double down on the word that Devin just used, and that is creativity and creative, and thinking of this reporting process as a creative act instead of, like joy said, a mathematical

[00:24:52] Devyn Bellamy: Thank you that, I'm sorry. Go

[00:24:53] Jorie Munroe: And if you're, and if you're like finding the difficulty to bridge that, cuz I know that like, it's like very creative in thinking. I think that sometimes because we see it on the x and y axis, it gets really difficult to be like, okay, how do I translate all of that creativity into like, tactically what I'm dragging over, like into my report.

Uh, so I actually have a quick cheat sheet for people that are like getting confused about like what goes on the

[00:25:21] George B. Thomas: Let's

[00:25:21] Jorie Munroe: And like, so that's kind of like, cuz I realize I didn't say like, what people getting wrong and like, uh, in bold letters, in my notes, it's like the x and y axis. Okay. So, Start with measures.

Okay? So default measures you can think about as like counts, right? They're calculations that HubSpot automatically provides for you uniquely in the HubSpot report builder, right? So always a great place to start, but in terms of thinking about the difference between your dimensions and your measures, measures are always going to be like a quantity, right?

They're gonna be a number, and so dimensions you can think about as usually categories. So they're going to be like what you're using in your report to break things down by groupings, right? So with the exception of horizontal bar charts, because that like flips the axis and it's, it's, you know, if that's what you wanna do, go for it.

But measures should always, almost always, yes, there's going to be sometimes that you wanna break the rules, but measures are always going to be, first of all, green. When you, so your, your numbers, they're gonna be green in the HubSpot report builder. The other and dimensions are gonna be, gray measures are always going to go on your y axis and your dimensions.

So those gray fields almost always on your X axis. And the only thing that gets a little complicated is date properties. Again, almost always on your X-axis. Okay. So the other thing that gets confusing with this, because you can drag a number property in and you're like, oh, that's gray. I don't get it.

Isn't that a measure? Isn't that supposed to be green? Not quite. So a measure, so because it's still tracking as a property, order to turn a number property into something that becomes a measure and is like looking at a specific number. So you can think of like aggregations or summaries, like averages or totals.

You need to actually calculate that field and aggregate it and then it will turn whatever number property you're trying to report on. Into a measure. As soon as you aggregate it, it will turn green and then it will function like any of your other measures in the HubSpot report builder. So too long didn't read measures Green.

Think about them on the y axis dimensions. Gray, most likely on the x axis. Date properties as well. Those can be just like where you start when, because I know people are like, I'm building a chart. There's axes, like that's the cheat sheet

[00:27:38] George B. Thomas: I

[00:27:38] Jorie Munroe: and it's color colon.

[00:27:39] Devyn Bellamy: to be a

[00:27:40] Liz Murphy: Hold

[00:27:40] Devyn Bellamy: That needs to be a snippet like,

[00:27:42] Liz Murphy: That needs to be. That was unbelievable. I wish people were watch like, okay, so if you're in the hub heroes community, you're able to watch this live because I just saw the most beautiful thing happen. I watched both Devin and George transform into what I can only imagine is what they looked like seven years old on Christmas morning when moms bringing out the big gifts and they're like, what's under there?

Oh my gosh. It's a cheat sheet for reporting. That was unbelievable. How can we get access to that? I want, I want this. I want it.

[00:28:12] Jorie Munroe: Okay, so the good news is I'm writing like a custom reports lesson that does this, but I can also just send you the summary because like literally everyone should know this. And the only other thing I'll say is like, the one thing that you should keep in into consideration when building reports with date properties, right, is like there's gonna be two ways that you can use date properties.

So typically people are using date properties, like frequencies. So if you go into like property settings, it's a time series, right? Like so say for example, like you're building, like create date by number of contacts on a report, right? So frequency is going to show you, okay, like in the last month, How many contacts were generated per day.

Great. But then there's also a way that you can sort, depending on your exact question, date properties using what's called date parts. And essentially if you were to use like count of contacts by create date and then group it by date part, it would show you, for example, like how many contacts are you generating on Mondays, Tuesdays, Wednesdays, Thursdays, and Fridays, which is a different way to view your data.

Uh, but it's something that you can only unlock in like date properties. Uh, so very cool way depending again on the exact question. So for example, like if you're like, I just wanna know how many contacts I'm generating, probably frequency. But if you're like, Hmm, like I wonder if there's any trends in the specific days, depending on what I'm doing, that new contacts are coming in, you could use a date part.

[00:29:37] Liz Murphy: Unbelievable. Freaking

[00:29:39] George B. Thomas: I'm, I'm having a holy moment over here. Like I need a, so I can catch my breath.

[00:29:45] Jorie Munroe: Yep.

[00:29:45] George B. Thomas: I'm just

[00:29:46] Liz Murphy: Can I just talk about that? I also just wanna say a moment in Hub Hero's history. That's the first time I think you've used the swear button while actually swearing. Because normally you just smash the button and I'm just watching you be like, I'm good,

[00:29:58] George B. Thomas: yeah, no, like I'm

[00:30:00] Jorie Munroe: of any other, like

[00:30:01] George B. Thomas: here. Somebody needs to get me a towel, some ice, a washcloth.

[00:30:04] Liz Murphy: All right. Go get, go get a towel. Go get some ice. I wanna switch gears for a moment. I want to talk about the other. Now I'm gonna be honest, I'm asking for a friend, and by that I mean me. I wanna talk about attribution reporting

[00:30:17] Devyn Bellamy: we get into that, there was

[00:30:19] Liz Murphy: Devin, Devin, my dude, there's a

[00:30:21] Devyn Bellamy: sorry. There, there was one mistake, one gigantic flaw that people do with their reporting that I forgot to mention.

[00:30:30] Jorie Munroe: do

[00:30:31] Liz Murphy: Oh, okay. Wait. Pump the brakes, break it back, break it back, break it

[00:30:35] Devyn Bellamy: So the, the, the, the flaw that people make is they treat their numbers like numbers and not like the actions of people. You have to understand

[00:30:47] George B. Thomas: Oh.

[00:30:48] Liz Murphy: Ooh.

[00:30:49] Devyn Bellamy: here to, when looking at metrics to move the needle, you're here to move people, and you're here to influence people's actions. You're here to work and, and help, hopefully help people.

And these metrics are a gauge of your success. So you shouldn't be focused entirely on manipulating the numbers. What you should be focusing on is serving your customers and using your numbers to reflect whether or not you are doing your job. If your whole goal is to change or grow a number, you're, you're thinking about it entirely too wrong, because not only are you doing a disservice to your customers, but you're going to miss out on trends on, uh, new, on like political commentary.

You're gonna miss out on things that. We'll genuinely influence and, and encourage and inspire people by trying to, let's double down on our, you know, character count because this charact size blog does better than this size blog when you could be impactful in half the character length. Well, you should be focusing on is people not numbers.

You are not a robot and neither are they.

[00:32:03] Liz Murphy: I love you, Devin. That was beautiful, Devin. I wanna double click on what he just said there real quick, because it goes back to what we've been talking about this whole time, right? The concept of storytelling in your reporting. The thing that I think people always forget is that when you're looking at numbers, when you're looking at data points, I don't care if you're looking at the sources, report, attribution reporting, which stories story's gonna help me understand here in just a minute.

I don't care what number you're looking at, every single data point in your HubSpot portal, It is a human freaking being. They are a human being with a problem. They are a human being with a question. They are a human being desperately in search of help. And what you are just seeing is data, humans in aggregate.

It is your community. These are people who desperately want you to be there for them. And if you dehumanize them to the point of, well, because this average is different from this average, then I guess we're just gonna say F whatever the humans actually want you are doing reporting wrong, you will always be doing it wrong.

[00:33:09] Devyn Bellamy: you just out human George for the first time in the history of this podcast. I just wanted to throw that out there.

[00:33:15] Liz Murphy: That's right. I do have a soul. It's small, it's made of coal. But

[00:33:18] George B. Thomas: I, I love where we're at so much right now, because Liz, as you were talking, I was like, if you drill it down to the fundamental principles, every number you're looking at is a hurdle or an aspiration that somebody has.

[00:33:32] Liz Murphy: Oh my God. That

[00:33:33] Jorie Munroe: I love that.

[00:33:34] Liz Murphy: That was beautiful. Package that up. Put it in a fortune cookie.

[00:33:37] Jorie Munroe: Put it on a t-shirt.

[00:33:38] George B. Thomas: Oh, a t-shirt maybe. Maybe an inbound T-shirt, maybe. Possibly. Oh, we'll

[00:33:43] Liz Murphy: speaking of t-shirts. Speaking of t-shirts, joy, please help me with attribution reporting. At this point, I'm not lying. I'm not lying anymore. I'm pretending it's for somebody else. This is, hi, my name is Liz. I would like to go to attribution reporting school, um, because

[00:33:55] George B. Thomas: Jetson and attribution reporting.

[00:33:58] Liz Murphy: you know what? I'm doing great today guys. Everything's fine. This is a delightful day. So attribution reporting is that thing where in theory, high level, love it because we're talking about. What roles, different assets play in a weighted manner in terms of deals that close leads that come in, or whatever it is that we're talking about.

But they're like 80 different models. They're like many models. So what is like, explain it to me like I'm Liz. Explain it to me like I'm five. What is the simplest way to break down attribution reporting in HubSpot? In a way that's easy for, for Liz's to understand.

[00:34:34] Jorie Munroe: I dunno, I think you did it really well, right? Like attribution

[00:34:37] Liz Murphy: are lots of them.

[00:34:38] Jorie Munroe: Yep. Oh, so models then, right? So the models are going to, so essentially attribution reports are built on mathematical models that you will never need to think about besides clicking the button, right? So essentially what your analytics software or HubSpot's gonna do is it's going to be like, oh, you wanna see what's generating new contacts, new deals, most the most revenue within a timeframe.

Um, and you want to split it up based on what makes the most sense for your business. Okay? We have a mathematical model for that. So essentially like mathematical models, the attribution models are really just about, uh, how you're going about splicing up, your, your credit. I think the best way to think about them, okay, this might sound weird, but I like to think about them like different cookie cutters, right?

So you got like this big thing of cookie batter. Sure. Or, uh, cake, whatever you use cookie cutters with. And the different attribution, sorry. The different attribution models are gonna be in different shapes, right? And the different shapes align with your questions, right? So if you are, for example, curious about, uh, what, like in general you're just starting to get used to like attribution, like you're just curious about splitting credit, you're probably gonna go to the linear model because it's the most intuitive to understand, right?

It's going to split credit equally regardless of your business process across all assets that a contact a deal, or, a closed customer with a certain deal amount touched before reaching that conversion. So you might choose that one. Uh, Cookie cutter, or maybe you're just curious about like, how people are finding your website and you just wanna see what's generating contacts.

You might choose like a single touch, uh, attribution model, so that could be first touch or last touch. Um, ultimately I feel like in general, people tend to skew in the HubSpot customer base towards linear, which is just gonna split it up equally. Time-based or time decay, which is basically going to, uh, look at the most recent conversion.

And then in a time-based like log rhythmic way, essentially give the most credit to the most recent interaction and less credit to like past interactions. and then full path, right? Which is going to like take the most credit and put it on the first interaction, the last interaction, because that like acknowledges that those are important and then equally split credit up.

Ultimately, I think the best thing that you could do is like, find the model that best fits your business best, fits your, your, um, Company and the questions that you're asking and stick to it. I think the biggest issue that people have is they like build an attribution report, they get some kind of insight and then they start switching it up, but then it's like apples to oranges because like you're dealing with different splices of data that's presented in different ways.

So I think at the, the beginning, like definitely taking the time to, to understand what the different models are doing. Probably gonna end up with linear. Um, and then like sticking to that one. I think also something that's really important about attribution that I don't really see anywhere besides like in partner's minds or in reporters' minds, is that oftentimes with attributions, like you gotta let it run long enough to give you some kind of insight, right?

Like, I think that in general people will like check attribution reports a lot. And I think in general you, you wanna like let it propagate.

[00:37:55] Liz Murphy: hours worth of data isn't enough?

[00:37:57] Jorie Munroe: Yeah, you wanna, you wanna let, you wanna let the report propagate what's, honestly, somewhere between like three to six months of data to give you some viable insights, um,

[00:38:08] Liz Murphy: Sorry.

[00:38:08] Jorie Munroe: like over filter yourself.

Oh, go on.

[00:38:10] Liz Murphy: Hold on a second. George. George, do you need a hug or do you need an entry point into the conversation or both?

[00:38:17] Jorie Munroe: Just interrupt me.

[00:38:18] George B. Thomas: I'm gonna lose my mind. So here's the thing. Joy said, use what's best for your business. That's the problem, right? So like, here, here's the thing. so, what is it? Sweet. Uh, why is it important? Sweet. Got it. Here's the issue.

It's like the, the movie, the the guy, it's the bomb squad guy, right?

And he's going in and he sees the red wire and the blue wire, and the yellow wire. And the purple wire. And he, and he's like, cut, cut the purple one. No, no, no, no, no. Cut. Cut the red one. No, I don't know. I don't wanna blow anybody up.

This is the mindset of most users to when to use the model. Right? And if I could clip out what you just said earlier and give it to you to build another tool for people, it's literally when do you use what model and for what reason?

People know the what. They know the why. They don't know the when.

[00:39:16] Jorie Munroe: Mm-hmm.

[00:39:16] George B. Thomas: gotta let 'em, we gotta teach 'em when to cut the red wire, when to cut the blue wire so they're not blowing stuff up.

[00:39:22] Liz Murphy: Devin, I wanna come to you here momentarily about I cuz I wanted to turn it back to Jo cuz I so rudely interrupted you. Cuz I was watching, I was watching George Roadrunner into the carpet. So, Devin, we're gonna get to you and

[00:39:34] George B. Thomas: I thought you were gonna ask me if I had to use the bathroom and I was gonna be like, no, I'm good. But,

[00:39:37] Liz Murphy: No, I know you're, there's a different level of strep that occurs. There's a different level of strep and then there will be some excuse like, hold on, I hear a sparrow in danger. I'll be right back. So, you know. Anyway, joy, I so rudely interrupted you because George was so rudely quietly interrupting you.

So could bring us back home on attribution reporting.

[00:39:56] Jorie Munroe: Definitely. And I mean, I know, I get it. The, the, it depends like way of answering that question can get really frustrating. I think the thing is, is like, it really does depend on how you're also running campaigns, right? Like I think in general, a good rule of thumb is you might wanna stay away from single touch attribution models because it's going to assign entire credit to the first or last touch.

And we understand that the customer journey is more nuanced than that, right? So it's like going to really heavily skew your data. Um, so I, I tend to find that multi-touch revenue attribution models tend to show the full story a little bit more. Okay? So, Time decay, right? When are you going to use it? Rule of thumb, are you running time sensitive campaigns at your business?

If so, might be a good model, right? the other ones, it, again, it kind of depends, right? Like it te try it depends on the question you're trying to answer, right? So, for example, you've got U-shaped, that's one that like we, we haven't really talked about. So what it's gonna do is like kind of combine the single touch models.

It's gonna give some like first and last touch points interactions. Cool. So that's going to matter if generating high quality prospects at the top of your funnel. And then identifying the leads that were really effective to nurture later is like part of the question that you're answering. So the thing is, is like, It depends because it depends on your question.

It depends on how you're running your campaign. It, and like I think we could go through the like if then branch of like which attribution model is like best. I think that's something that we could build out. But I also think that it, it, it like is part of the process to peel back the layers of like general rule of thumb if you were just getting started with the attribution, there is nothing wrong with going linear because that is going to help you understand and unpack this tool to the best of the ability.

I think that in general, like the nuances of the other ones also come with time. So there's nothing wrong with going full path first. There's nothing wrong with going linear first. Probably stay away from the single touch ones, but hey, I'm just me. Those are my opinions. Um, so I know I get that. It, it depends, it's frustrating.

But again, if you're starting with a question, start with the question and let the question guide you based on these models, what's going to most effectively answer that question. And that's honestly your North star. That's not something that, cuz your question could be anything. I can give you the definitive, this is the one to one, one attribution model to, to rule them all.

Um, but if you have questions after that, then once you have a question, I can help guide you.

[00:42:40] Liz Murphy: You know what? I gotta be honest. Sorry. I listened to you a drop low key Lord of the Rings, little nuggets there and talk about reporting all the time. I do wanna jump in though and share. Okay, so I understand that I came through the attribution, came to this attribution conversation, feeling confused, lost, let, astray, you know, all of these different things.

But here's what I will say about attribution that I have thought about in the past, and this is something where if you've been a longtime listener, first time caller of this program, you may have heard me talk about this before, which is, Attribution reporting is kind of like any other reporting that you're going to see in the HubSpot ecosystem, which is, you can't take it literally, you have to use it to inform a story that you are telling.

It cannot be the only story that you're telling cuz sometimes an attri. Yeah, because in attribution reporting, what can happen is it'll say things like, well, because it had this number of touch points across X number of contexts, it exactly contributed this amount of revenue to your business. And it's like, wait, hold on a second, because one of my favorite things that I used to do when I was the editor chief at Impact, which is an elite, uh, diamond partner agency, is I used to love to do a forensic analysis and audit of deals that closed.

I would go in and because we had both the sales hub and the marketing hub together, I could see how a bill became a law from someone landing on the site, converting on something, and then closing and becoming a customer. Now, here's what's fascinating. There was one customer in particular where they did so much digging around in our content.

I ran into them an event and I said, Hey, I'm just curious because I'm a resident content nerd. What was the piece that closed it for you? Because you were all over the place. And it turned out, even though this man had looked at 25 different pieces of content numerous times, he had looked at the same one a bunch.

The one that actually closed the deal was the first touch, something he only looked at once. He looked at it once at the beginning, once at the end. It was the piece of content. He looked at the least out of anything else, but he was like, that closed it for me. The humor, the personality, and the fact that I got to see who I was gonna be working with.

So sometimes you do not know the human story. Attribution reporting is only gonna give you like a guesstimate in some cases.

[00:44:55] Jorie Munroe: think that's totally fair. I think that the big caveat of attribution reporting is it's always gonna bias towards success, right? It's always going to be like, this is what it's most likely, uh, causing the most leads, deals, or revenue, right? But the thing is in like, we'll get to customer journey analytics in a, in a second that you need to be really careful of is like not understanding and not digging into that a little bit further.

I agree. I don't think that your, your reporting strategy should start and stop with attribution. I think it's a really interesting kind of like additional layer of information that you can bring to your reporting strategy. Uh, but you should always be digging in and honestly being just like curious about like, okay, so you say that this ad campaign is better than this ad ad campaign.

Going back to what we said earlier, why? And like what can we learn from that?

[00:45:45] Liz Murphy: Honestly, you know what? You teed it up so nicely there. Joy. Let's dig right in because we've covered a lot of ground in this episode today, but I wanna make sure we touch upon this because I know, George, this was something you were really interested in hearing about from jewelry, which is when we think about that customer journey, right?

How does that figure into the way we map our storytelling across reporting? What does that look like? Is that integrated, if at all?

[00:46:09] Jorie Munroe: Yeah, so customer journey analytics, I feel like attribution and customer journey analytics are like a one plus one equals three moment. So it's just like that together, they are greater than the sum of their parts, so, To kind of go back to what I was saying, like bias towards success, right? So situations can happen where you might run an attribution report, say on a linear model, because I think that's just like a jury best practice anyway.

Okay. So you, you run this attribution report and say you have campaign A and according to your attribution model, you know, it generated $30,000 and then you look at campaign B and it didn't, it doesn't look like it performed so well. Like it may be generated like $2,000 in revenue. So looking at your attribution report, you may be like, well, obviously campaign A is better.

It generated $30,000, not $2,000. Great. Okay. So what customer journey analytics is built for is to start to optimize based on specific conversion paths to get really nitty gritty on like an asset to asset basis or a channel to channel basis, how people are. Yes, continuing through the journey, but also dropping off from the journey.

And that's additional insight that you're not gonna get from an attribution report cuz it's just gonna tell you what's working. Right? So maybe you look at these two campaigns and you build attribution reports from them, right? Well you could find, because ads don't equal money in the bank, there's different steps that happen between your ad and your purchase, right?

Um, that potentially you might find that campaign B actually had higher conversion rates at higher value assets than campaign A. But maybe it was external factors. Maybe it was how you were budgeting, maybe it was seasonality, maybe it was like all these other factors that weren't apparent in your attribution report that actually contributed to the success of campaign A over B.

And you need to learn from campaign B to be better at advertising. So really, Customer journey analytics while really important when you think about, oh, like I am really c curious about, uh, like how my blogs are performing or like landing pages or like just the traditional conversion paths we think about, I think do the best job and our strongest, I know I keep saying like contextualization, but at contextualizing like the success and the failures that you're seeing throughout your site.

And because you can really drill in and I mean like down to the like list of people that made it through conversion A, B, and C but dropped off at at d Like you can get really granular or even honestly kind of zoom out a little bigger. Um, it's really important insight and it's access to a level of like engagement data that just like hasn't been available before.

So it's really exciting. But I think that like, using it with attribution, like you can definitely get results just creating customer journey analytics cuz it's, it's very CRO heavy. Um, Using them together is huge.

[00:49:09] Liz Murphy: That's freaking incredible. Now I know we've only got a couple minutes left and I'm sitting here going, why are you apologizing? Can we talk about like, I. I'm having the best time.

[00:49:21] Jorie Munroe: Okay. Me too.

[00:49:22] Liz Murphy: so many notes. I'm sitting here like, yes, I am hosting this podcast. I am also frantically taking notes to be better at reporting.

[00:49:29] George B. Thomas: Yeah,

[00:49:30] Liz Murphy: Part of me wants to, isn't this

[00:49:31] George B. Thomas: I have to agree. Like I'm literally in the last session, I'm as Jo's gone, I'm like, yep. There's just times in life where you sit down and you shut up and you let the grownups talk and, and you just let 'em have their moment and you learn from 'em. And this, I love this episode so much. This is why I wanted to get Jo on the, the, the Hub

[00:49:52] Jorie Munroe: Oh, I was so excited when I saw it.

[00:49:53] George B. Thomas: cuz it's, it's just information that more people need to be able to hear these things and, and apply these things to their reporting because it will just a, it's job security.

I'm just gonna throw that out there people, if you can leverage the things that Jo is throwing down and put in your tool belt job security. Alright, I'll, I'll, I gotta sit back down and shut up for a while.

[00:50:14] Liz Murphy: No, you're totally good. And I know we only have a couple minutes left and part of me wants to be like a positive Pamela and ask something like, if someone remembers only one thing about HubSpot reporting today, what would it be and why? But I am choosing chaos. I am choosing anarchy. So also before George can cut me off, I am gonna read my poem now, cuz that's what he's

[00:50:31] Jorie Munroe: Yes.

[00:50:32] Liz Murphy: done it. The past three episodes. The past three episodes, the past three episodes, you've been like, it's a shame no one could hear a poem cut. I'm like,

[00:50:41] George B. Thomas: I have been that guy.

[00:50:43] Liz Murphy: All right. It's a haiku jo. Just for you.

[00:50:45] Jorie Munroe: Okay.

[00:50:46] Liz Murphy: HubSpot wields the charts, data whispers, then departs, wooing, nerdy hearts. All

[00:50:54] Devyn Bellamy: And it rhymed

[00:50:56] Jorie Munroe: that on a mug. I

[00:50:58] Devyn Bellamy: it haiku that rhymes.

[00:51:00] Jorie Munroe: Tweet it. Tweet it. Save it. Love it.

[00:51:03] Liz Murphy: welcome. But here's the last chaos question. Are we ready?

[00:51:07] Jorie Munroe: Yes.

[00:51:08] Liz Murphy: a horror story. I want a horror story. And Devin, I know in the depths of your heart, you have a HubSpot reporting who story that will teach our millions, our, uh, dozens of us, literally dozens of listeners teach

[00:51:22] Devyn Bellamy: Reporting overkill is a thing. Stop it. Having

[00:51:28] Liz Murphy: Paint a picture. Paint a

[00:51:30] Devyn Bellamy: a dashboard that has every single square filled with individual reports, with all the numbers that no one cares about, like data for the sake of data, it's just so unbelievably annoying, like no one cares. I understand that you're having fun, but I cannot stress this enough.

You are the only one having fun. Stop it.

[00:51:55] Liz Murphy: Well, isn't it what Joy said earlier, widgets

[00:51:57] Devyn Bellamy: Yeah, people is, they don't care about the stories. They're like, oh look, it's a number. Oh, and here's another cool number. We don't care. It has nothing to do with any, like you are the only one that's looking at that number. I'm happy that you did this nerdy thing that allowed you to create this nerdy thing and, oh, look on the full moon, we know.

Shut up. We don't care. This isn't baseball. Stop it.

[00:52:20] George B. Thomas: In the South, we say in the south we say, bless your heart.

[00:52:24] Jorie Munroe: Oh, sweetie,

[00:52:25] Liz Murphy: I know. Oh my gosh. You know what? That's what I will say about the South that confuses me. Everybody's like, I've run so nice in the south. I'm like, no, I don't know what they think about me. They give me pie. But this could be a hate pie. This could be a love pie. It could literally mean anything. But I also will say it isn't an episode of the Hub Heroes without Devin going slightly unhinged about something that really like deep within his soul.

[00:52:47] George B. Thomas: yeah, yeah. Honestly, I mean, we've got Devin Unhinged, we've got Joy's Greatness. We've got a Schoolhouse Rock reference. I just don't even know how we make this episode better.

[00:52:57] Jorie Munroe: I do. Okay. So I found maybe I was just like naive, maybe I have just not really spent a lot of time in the HubSpot Report builder, but I found this trick, this hack, this little known secret in the HubSpot report builder and dashboards that I have never seen before. And I just need, I need everyone to know about this because when I saw a product manager do that, I was like, what did you just do?

What, what, what is that? So did you know that when you build a a chart in the HubSpot Custom Report Builder, you can just highlight the section that you wanna see and it automatically zooms in?

[00:53:35] Liz Murphy: What

[00:53:36] Jorie Munroe: And you can save

[00:53:37] Devyn Bellamy: Shut up.

[00:53:38] Jorie Munroe: yep. It is an interactive chart that apparently nobody's known but the product team.

So you need, okay, so go, go build a report. May it, I think it has to be a bar chart, cuz like pie, how would you even zoom into that? But build,

[00:53:52] Liz Murphy: We love pie

[00:53:52] Jorie Munroe: and then just with your cursor, highlight it and it will zoom into that specific section. And then you, you'll see a tab that's like reset zoom. So if you're like, oh, you just need to zoom into that one.

And then that is a, that is a functionality that you can do on dashboards. And I have found no documentation about this and so I,

[00:54:15] Liz Murphy: Devin has gotten up and left. George, you are. You're like a human Christmas. You just keep giving gifts.

[00:54:22] Jorie Munroe: it is wild. It is wild.

[00:54:25] Liz Murphy: George. Are you checking right

[00:54:26] Jorie Munroe: You need to

[00:54:27] Liz Murphy: fact

[00:54:27] Jorie Munroe: I like, I literally will share my

[00:54:30] George B. Thomas: No, I'm not. I'm paying

[00:54:31] Liz Murphy: Yes you are.

[00:54:32] George B. Thomas: I'm paying attention.

[00:54:33] Liz Murphy: You were fact. What'd you find? What'd you find?

[00:54:36] George B. Thomas: I

[00:54:36] Jorie Munroe: So remember,

[00:54:37] George B. Thomas: found that. Anyway, this

[00:54:40] Liz Murphy: Oh my gosh. All right. You know what? All right. Here's how we're gonna end this. George, I would love to hear from you, what is the biggest takeaway George is taking away this week? Cuz I feel like we've done a lot of learning today, but George, I've literally watched your brain collapse and come back together four times.

What is your biggest learning, your biggest takeaway, the thing that you are gonna be sharing with clients next week?

[00:55:02] George B. Thomas: Oh, well, all of it. The whole damn episode. I'm just gonna throw that out there, but

[00:55:07] Liz Murphy: have to pick

[00:55:08] George B. Thomas: No, no, no, but, but easy there. I'm just saying the whole episode. But, um, my biggest takeaway personally is that there's always something else to learn. And my second biggest takeaway is HubSpot, please create more documentation around reporting.

but the biggest takeaway I think for me is the mindsets section of what we talked about at the beginning of this. Um, it doesn't have to be difficult. You should be thinking about questions. You should use the five y matrix. Like those things. I think we'll get some people. From where they're at to like, oh, I feel comfortable, and now I'm willing to dive into the deep end that that's what I'm taking away.

[00:55:47] Liz Murphy: I freaking love it. Joy, thank you so much for joining

[00:55:50] Jorie Munroe: Thank you for having me.

[00:55:51] Liz Murphy: get in contact with you, how can they find you? You delightful reporting Sprite

[00:55:56] Jorie Munroe: Uh, so you can find me on LinkedIn, Jo Monroe or uh, Twitter finding jewelry. So

[00:56:03] Liz Murphy: my gosh, I love that.

[00:56:05] Jorie Munroe: so that's me or wherever, you know, email me, we'll figure it out.

[00:56:09] Liz Murphy: George, you wanna take us out? You can't yell at me about poetry this week, so you're gonna have to get creative.

[00:56:13] George B. Thomas: Yeah, I don't know what to say other than my mind is blown. This is an amazing episode, and I hope that everybody just goes from here into the reporting tool and just starts to play.

[00:56:24] Liz Murphy: Go crush it.

[00:56:25] George B. Thomas: Do it.

[00:56:26] Liz Murphy: Well, until next week, we'll talk to y'all then.

Creators and Guests

Devyn Bellamy
Devyn Bellamy
Devyn Bellamy works at HubSpot. He works in the partner enablement department. He helps HubSpot partners and HubSpot solutions partners grow better with HubSpot. Before that Devyn was in the partner program himself, and he's done Hubspot onboardings, Inbound strategy, and built out who knows how many HubSpot, CMS websites. A fun fact about Devyn Bellamy is that he used to teach Kung Fu.
George B. Thomas
George B. Thomas
George B. Thomas is the HubSpot Helper and owner at George B. Thomas, LLC and has been doing inbound and HubSpot since 2012. He's been training, doing onboarding, and implementing HubSpot, for over 10 years. George's office, mic, and on any given day, his clothing is orange. George is also a certified HubSpot trainer, Onboarding specialist, and student of business strategies. To say that George loves HubSpot and the people that use HubSpot is probably a massive understatement. A fun fact about George B. Thomas is that he loves peanut butter and pickle sandwiches.
Liz Murphy
Liz Murphy
Liz Murphy is a business content strategist and brand messaging therapist for growth-oriented, purpose-driven companies, organizations, and industry visionaries. With close to a decade of experience across a wide range of industries – healthcare, government contracting, ad tech, RevOps, insurance, enterprise technology solutions, and others – Liz is who leaders call to address nuanced challenges in brand messaging, brand voice, content strategy, content operations, and brand storytelling that sells.
Max Cohen
Max Cohen
Max Cohen is currently a Senior Solutions Engineer at HubSpot. Max has been working at HubSpot for around six and a half-ish years. While working at HubSpot Max has done customer onboarding, learning, and development as a product trainer, and now he's on the HubSpot sales team. Max loves having awesome conversations with customers and reps about HubSpot and all its possibilities to enable company growth. Max also creates a lot of content around inbound, marketing, sales, HubSpot, and other nerdy topics on TikTok. A fun fact about Max Cohen is that outside of HubSpot and inbound and beyond being a dad of two wonderful daughters he has played and coached competitive paintball since he was 15 years old.
HubSpot Reporting: a Totally Epic Deep-Dive Into Measuring Inbound Business Success, feat. Jorie Munroe
Broadcast by